Abstract vs. Realism – Which Is the Best Art Style and Why? — May Cockcroft


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Both Abstract and Realism are powerful art forms, each with its own impact. Which one do you prefer, and why? Let’s discuss!

Speaking on Abstract Expressionism, the poet Randall Jarrell said, “ Perhaps painting can do without the necessity of imitation, but can it do without the possibility of distortion?”

I largely lean toward the aesthetic that Jarrell suggests. I appreciate that abstract art is not unlike the abstract forms of music. But it’s not enough… for me. I feel the same way about “Realism”… especially since the availability of photography. I’m a figurative artist and employ elements of “realism”… but I see elements of “distortion” or exaggeration as essential… distortions of line, form, space, color, etc…
I feel the same as snoball. I don't think there's necessarily a "best" art style. It's up to personal preference and what style happens to speak to you or grab your interest.

Of the two, my personal preference is realism. I gravitate towards realistic styles when I go to art galleries, and I lean towards realism in my own art. If I'm honest... I don't entirely "get" abstract art. But that's just me. Most abstract pieces don't really grab my attention, and I never quite understand what the artist is trying to convey. I don't often find them thought-provoking or aesthetically pleasing to look at. Whereas with realistic styles, I find myself enjoying the overall picture and individual elements. I'll examine brushstrokes and try to understand how the artist achieved an effect, texture, etc. I just find there's more to look at and think about. I guess I just have a deeper appreciation for techniques used in realistic work.
And then to kind of branch off a bit, I've always loved surrealism. It often still has a realistic feel to it, so my appreciation of technique kicks in. And then there's "unusual" or unexpected things going on in the piece, and it really gets me thinking about why the artist chose those things, how they work together, etc.

Again, that's just me. Everyone has their preferences. :)
I'm an abstract painter.I enjoy most art forms and can usually find something that appeals in most,although conceptual art not so much, maybe cos I'm not clever enough to understand most of the concepts haha.With hyper realism whilst I can applaud the sheer amount of detail and the immense amount of time some of the work must take to be honest it mostly leaves me cold.
I paint abstract cos I love colour and form.I know its not everyones cuppa but different strokes and all that.🙂
I really don't understand questions like this. It's hardly a binary choice. The question excludes the art styles I'm actually more drawn to: Impressionism, Surrealism, some Pop art and Expressionism. I could go on.

They are also powerful art forms, each with its own impact. Who is May Cockcroft and why is she asking?
I'm sort of in two minds about it. Most abstract art that I see fails to do anything at all for me, but I like the abstraction-like patterns we find in the world all around us, including the microscopic world:


2015 shadow_patterns_by_brianvds_d9axs9u-fullview.jpg

2024 Pebbles 0519_071122.jpg

2024 Pine bark 0428_140629.jpg


All photographs, and thus, all 100% realistic, and all of them also kind of abstract. In the the case of the first, most people would not even know what it is, so if you made a photorealistic painting of it, people would think you're doing abstraction. :)

Whether something is abstract or not may depend on nothing more than how far you zoom in:

2024 Pine bark 0428_140629.jpg


I find that when I do like an abstract piece, it is usually because it suggests something "real," or seems like it is abstraction that flowed from a study of the real world. Which is why, to StLukes's endless irritation, I rather like some of Georgia O'Keeffe's abstractions. 😇

Exercise: go make a drawing or painting of the above two "abstract" pieces and show them to people; see what kind of reactions you get. I'm too lazy to do it myself, so I'm waiting for someone else to go try it. :-)

On the other hand, I'm going through one of my periodic manias for botanical art, which I like partly precisely because of its abstraction-like aspect, so maybe I'll make a whole career of this sort of "realistic abstraction." I'll let you all know when I win the ARC's salon competition. :LOL:
My Abstract work is created using Real Glass elements in abstract ways! So perhaps that makes me blurring the lines(?)

Here is a recent shot I just sent out for print today (24" x 24", Metallic paper under clear Acrylic)...

View attachment 47655

And this is another interesting case to connect to my previous post: if someone makes a photorealistic painting of this sculpture, is that an abstract or a realistic painting? It's a fun rabbit hole to go down.

After answering a question about it on Quora some years ago, I ended up writing a long, rambling essay on the whole thing on my blog, which I strongly advise people not to read:

Was reading "the elegant Universe" earlier and hit on this chapter about the "symphony of the Universe"... I do like poetry as much as music. And while driving love to listen to songs in the radio.

In between music and poetry, there are songs. All three are Art. Some songs stress more the lyrics, some the instruments. Some songs are poems musicized. Heck, even some symphonies try to depict "pictures at an exhibition".

Personally, I find annoying when anyone tries to make a distinction. And upset when anyone asks which is better. On anything. Can't we just enjoy life? Do we need to feel superior and look over the shoulder to others to feel vindicated? about what?

In between hyper-realism and Kandinsky or Mondrian there are more than fifty shades of grey. And when you drop different arts in the same equation what arises is not competition, but a wonderful new experience.

I prefer not to miss all that Life has to offer by obfuscating into only a narrow, limiting field.
I gravitate towards realistic styles when I go to art galleries, and I lean towards realism in my own art. If I'm honest... I don't entirely "get" abstract art. But that's just me. Most abstract pieces don't really grab my attention, and I never quite understand what the artist is trying to convey. I don't often find them thought-provoking or aesthetically pleasing to look at.

When I was in art school I remember a professor asking me for my opinion on an abstract painting… I think it was by Arshile Gorky. I replied, “in my opinion, abstract art has no reason for existence.” 😜 With time I came to appreciate abstract painting as a result of my appreciation of abstraction in other art forms: architecture, medieval manuscripts, Islamic Art, various textile arts, etc… My paintings/drawings make extensive use of abstract designs… patterns and tessellations.
Hump. Art is not binary!
I think this is entirely the wrong question to ask, especially of a group of various artists with many "styles".
Is this a thesis proposal?
Art is entirely personal, emotive, attractant or "repulsive", harsh but there it is.
Why, who the heck knows, it's a human baggage thing. Mentally we respond to colour and shapes as primal entities, I'm no psychologist but.....
Ask what's your favourite style and you will likely get an answer that covers several genres.
Mutter mutter......
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Nowadays I paint realistic , mostly from my photos, rarely on the spot. But in my childhood and teens I used to paint in an abstract manner without even realizing what it meant. One example is the flames, as pat of a bonfire, cooking, sun etc. The young me would try different forms, various color mixes from my limited resources, obsessively, trying to get the impression of heat and light . But now I find that I have lost that intuitive way of expression. My thoughts on the question posed here is that the abstract art is more from the soul , emotions and synergy of the senses. Realistic art captures the aesthetics we like.


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Abstract Because. It gives you complete freedom to express yourself. There’s no right or wrong—just colors, shapes, and emotions.​

Well, that touched a nerve! No need to shout.

If you had already made up your mind.......?
I guess that just shows what works for YOU.
But, yes I agree with your forceful statement, but it doesn't mean I or the viewers have to like the results.

Art is entirely subjective, and while you as the creator may gravitate to a format as it taps into some inner voice, the viewer/s speak a different visual and mental language.
I agree that abstraction gives freedom, but the message may be lost in translation.
Like most who enjoy art, or as a buyer maybe, it's unwelcome to be told what is good, bad or otherwise.
While I enjoy some abstracted works, others are vacuous crap. By the same token, so can some realism.
The question may be debated or commented on, but the argument is flawed as there is no right or wrong in either genre.
It's up to the viewer or buyer!
If I had to chose between the two extremes - hyper realistic or non-objective abstract art - the choice would without a doubt be the second. But I do prefer art where elements from reality are recognisable.