What's funny about a bipolar disorder....![]()
inside joke
he is awake (manic) at 3AM
he is asleep (depressed) at 3PM
What's funny about a bipolar disorder....![]()
now if only people paid more attention to what he says than what he wears.Love all the Bernie’s!
The man and the dog both!You know those eyes are saying, "This is not my idea."
Pop quiz == pop art? My humor centre is faulty this morning. Either that or I'm totally missing something!
I can actually imagine giving a "Pop Quiz" on Pop Art after a unit on Pop Artists. Unfortunately, the kids only have Art once a week for 50 minutes. With all the testing and rallies, and assemblies, field trips, and holidays that comes to 3 classes a month... which isn't enough to really delve into much of anything. A couple of years back we taught the "specials" (Art, Music, PE, and Library) on a block schedule. This means the entire grade would be divided into 4 groups. One would be assigned to Art, the second to Music, etc... for 1 quarter... then the groups would rotate. I'd get the kids every day. I didn't need to spend the first 10 minutes going over the goals, etc... and passing out materials. The kids would come into the class, get their projects and supplies, and start to work. I could circulate the room talking to students individually or in small groups and only address the class as a whole when I saw an issue or concept that I felt all would benefit from. In a class like that we could do a unit on Pop Art or Abstract Art etc...