
My mom had it a little, so it may be hereditary, I don't know, but I once asked her if she knew about the letter 'B' being a little shy, and she said she never liked him because she wasn't crazy about light blue because he looked like a baby boy. I said he only looks like that because in the alphabet, he's next to the letter 'C' who is pink and is not very sociable and makes B self-conscious and it "shrinks" him.

Some letters have two colors, like 'L' is yellow and has a reddish glow around it.

Reading as a small child was next to impossible because the letters were distracting in these colors, especially because I knew them as people and some of them didn't get along together in certain words and it would bother me...see you think I'm insane...
I had trouble retaining all that - I had to read it three times 😂 I kinda get the idea though..sort of.😊
Yes, the small letters are independent from the capitals. Every shape is different. Zero through nine are the only numbers though, then they are just personalities hanging out with each other from there on out. Type is the same as written letters. It's the shape that makes them colored and gives them their qualities.

Like I said, the colors are not "bright" anymore. They were when I was a kid. It might be because the drugs I have taken over the years, or maybe just my brain growing up that made them fade away. The characteristics in all of them are still there though. I know them all very well. They have "genders," kind of. Some are a mix. Or not genders so much as qualities. Now it sounds weird. There is no sex involved! Ha ha ha.
Snoball, it's a very interesting discussion,
I got to page 3, I have to continue it even if what I think about it, what I can say is only rather confusing. I have a strange relationship, confused thoughts.

I had heard of synaesthesia, I don't have it, I don't recognize these feelings. but I find them very particular and after hearing them I wondered who knows what it felt like.

aphantasia is a word I didn't know.
but what you say is very interesting, and it makes me think of past moments, of doubts I had, perhaps precisely on that.
It is a topic that my memory has cherished for a few years, sometimes I found myself thinking about it and reading some things about it.
But I was even more curious about the imagination,
years ago I thought, but is this how it works? what should you do ?.

am I imagining or remembering, or ever imagined something new? or when I got close to it, maybe it had been an interpretation.
sometimes I remember trying to imagine things,
but I only had a black screen, but I also remember that I loved comics, that reading them lasted too little and then
I began to imagine in the mind those stories, of the continuations where the protagonist was an anthropomorphic version of zorro. I loved the zorro telefim and these mixes was what I was thinking about. (so I mainly thought about it or an image that reassured me (as a child 5 or 6 years old, every week my parents saw a program that talked about missing people and kidnapped, so for a couple of years I was convinced that everyone would be kidnapped one night, I stopped thinking about it when I closed my eyes I imagined someone who was a hero to me or who I appreciated, I don't know if I see this perfectly, but these episodes and the sensations try are the things that I can remember more easily, or a reason if I understood it) create, imagine from 0 I don't know if I could do it, remember a name, something mechanically was the most difficult thing)
I remember it was very difficult for me to remember names, so I felt a strong dislike for things like Latin, I couldn't stand having to memorize those words, it's something that I thought so strange that I avoided doing,

I thought I would concentrate on the rest, I loved things where the term was not the important thing or the story, the memories, thinking about the facts.
Now that I try to draw again, I often thought about these things, because sometimes I tried to try to imagine a cube. The result is strange. I find all this curious but basically I do not find anguish for these things but sympathy for this and the life which is very beautiful even if stupidly I made it ugly. , I feel anguish only about the impossibility of not having done what I actually did
you thought it was the right thing but then you did the opposite for real or metaphorical thrusts.

with the imagination I find something similar, in the sense that it is difficult to keep a single thought, it becomes a tangle, other images enter, with time I think the trick is then to think of something simple or something that you know. That the thing I found unpleasant was actually the simple and right thing, and that maybe it required patience or to find your own key.

Returning to the theme, I find it imagining like a black screen where there is a small TV (sometimes there are many scenes together, many TVs in the black frame) that projects the film, perhaps with partial choices, a film that is therefore perhaps a film in replication, or changes. bo,
however, most of the time it has been quite reassuring.

I said at the beginning that I had strange and confused ideas about all thiso_O:ROFLMAO:
but I hope you won't call that 🚑
Thank you for writing your thoughts Joe. Like I said, this whole subject fascinates me and up until a year or two ago, I didn't know this even existed. I just thought everyone saw only a black screen. There are exercises to try and overcome it and "see" an image (such as staring at the light coming in a window and then closing your eyes and try to imagine an object) but none of them work for me. In the window exercise, I only see a reverse image of the window for a while on the black screen. No way I could ever count sheep, they are over in someone else's pasture. :giggle:
Musket, Zorro was fantastic, strong acting, it must be beautiful and exciting to act.
Snoball, thanks, got it,
about sheep, but don't worry, by the way I think their abilities to make people fall asleep are exaggerated. :)
Mayben, what type of synesthesia do you have?
Personification. I was tested at a classification school by a psychiatrist named professor John Heptinstall, he did numerous tests from colours and numbers to putting a rubber net on my head full of electrodes, flashing lights and I can't remember the others, but there were many as they were trying to understand what made me tick!
Then they put me on a tranquilizer by the name of largactil, which I took for 4 years until I was 16. If I missed a tablet they'd hunt me like it was an emergency, c'est la vie!
Sheesh! I never got a test. It just seemed evident. I am on a lot of medications now and wonder if that is why mine has subsided so much.