Another pressed wildflower canvas

Donna T

Well-known member
A while back I posted an experiment I did with my leftover tissue papers from pressing weeds and wildflowers for printmaking. I started another one at the time and only recently was able to finish it. I finished them by painting black gesso on their sides and that dressed them up a bit. They are 12x12 made with acrylic paint, tissue paper collage and ink for the outlines. I played around with some stencils to add a little interest and texture in some areas. This was a fun project but I think I'm weeded out for now.


and this was the first one that I think I'm done messing with:
Wow. These are very beautiful and different with the difference being eloquent. Glad to see you working again. The netting adds a nice element to the background. Color is clean and refreshing.
Thanks for such positive words, Wayne. My hand is slowly coming back after surgery. I wish I had remembered your “mother color” lesson while I was struggling to merge the different colored tissue papers into a cohesive background. It only dawned on me afterwards that those colors needed a common link to tie them together. I hope all is well with you.
Yes. Things are good. Just flat out of energy. The nerve pills have sapped me and left me and with worn out spirits and little energy to fuel them.
Thanks Jo! They are very “out there” for me.

Wayne, I hope you get your energy back. I can relate to medications that wear you down. Hang in there. 🙂
I love these, Donna! They may be "out there" for you, but they're really working. Beautiful colors, textures and patterns. Love those subtle backgrounds.

I'm so glad to see you working again, and glad your hand is improving after the surgery. I'm sure it's been hard to be patient!

Terrific work. ❤️
Yes. Things are good. Just flat out of energy. The nerve pills have sapped me and left me and with worn out spirits and little energy to fuel them.
I miss seeing your work, but as Donna says we all get zapped occasionally by one thing or another. :) Hope it passes soon for you!
Terri, that’s so kind of you to say after the incredible work you’ve been doing! Forgive me if you’ve mentioned it before but do you seal or varnish your mixed media work?
Wow! Again, I love these "experiments," as they turn out like Masterpieces to me. Absolutely gorgeous!

Wayne and others, I know how meds can suck your life away sometimes. :(
Dang…sorry Donna, I did not mean to hitch a ride on your thread. Your florals here deserve all the attention.
Terri, that’s so kind of you to say after the incredible work you’ve been doing! Forgive me if you’ve mentioned it before but do you seal or varnish your mixed media work?
Donna, I generally put a thin coat of soft gel medium over the top of everything, using a foam brush. There may be a couple of instances where I've not done it due to the delicacy of whatever it is, but usually anything that can be glued down with gel medium will accept a top layer. Even those tissue paper transfers have taken a light coat with no problem.

I do have some varnish, but I'm kind of afraid of it. :LOL: I'll probably save that for straight acrylic paint.

I haven't used dried flowers like you have here, but I don't think anything that gets encased in gel medium would be harmed by it.
Thank you, Ayin! These fall into the Nothing To Lose category 🤣

Wayne, I never mind a conversation that springs up in my threads. It’s part of being human, or namuh in your case.

Terri, thank you. I am very afraid of the acrylic varnish that I have and it sits on a shelf daring me to use it. Soft gel medium is versatile stuff!
Donna, these are exquisite! So unusual with a delicate look. Super. ❤️ ❤️ I can understand the burnout. After I drew that darned plaid shirt so many times, I never wanted to see plaid again!
Sno, I would have gone crazy doing a plaid shirt once and can't imagine how you did it so many times. Thanks for your thoughts about these - no plaid anywhere!
Love these! Great arrangements of the flowers, and gorgeous textures / colours.
Thanks Zoran and Kay. I’m happy that this set was wanted by a family member.