Another Arizona Scene

P. Barrie

Well-known member
Painted this 8”x10” watercolor and gouache on 140# cold press. From a photo taken by Facebook friend. Used a new set of Arteza half pans and supplemented with ultramarine and white gouache. First time using pans, tricky to keep them clean.

I really like this. More greens than usually seen in a desert scene. Very nice! (y) ❤️
Very nice. Reminds me of vistas at Saguaro Nat'l Park East. Nothing like starting out a Tuesday with a bit of nostalgia...
You nailed it!
Absolutely wonderful! I love the desert, so it's all great to me, and after a lot of rain, this is exactly what it looks like.

I started using pans too and it's impossible to keep them clean. I started giving up after the third little painting. Now they just looked well-loved. They are probably really great for being more portable maybe? I'm considering taking my giant porcelain palette back out and using my tubes again. What brand of pans did you get? I got a nice set of Holbeins.
I think you are masterly at capturing the essential essence of a scene or terrain. Wonderful.
Thanks to all for commenting.
Sno, I exaggerated the greens somewhat. The mountains are much bluer in the pic, should have made them bluer so the would recede better.

Glad you like it Joe.

ntl, it may be that Park, I think the photographer lives near there.

Arty, I’m not sure I like the Arteza pans in comparison with the Daniel Smith and Schminke tubes I have. They are low cost and I did get them for the portability. May have to bone up and pay for Schminke pans if I decide to continue with pans.

Nufocus, the lighting is somewhat cameraized. Plein air would be different. However, I would not be able to look into the sun like that anyway, due to having age related macular degeneration. I usually wear wrap around sunglasses over my prescription glasses that also have UV block.

lain, I do strive to get the essence of form, color, and value with economical brushwork. Check out Albert Marquet, a contemporary of Matisse. He was masterful at that IMO.
Barrie, it's great, it's even more beautiful that way. Lights, reflection, compozioni, very nice work
I especially like the light hitting the little cacti near the bottom right next to the large one.
Oh, yeah :-) I liked this one in your very first go at it. You' ll have saguaro forest if you keep at it, Patrick.