Toco Toucan in watercolor


Supporting Member
This is a watercolor, size 8 x 11 done on Baohong 140 cold press. This toco toucan was done as part of a challenge for another forum. Initially, I was going to make background sky a pale, transparent, cobalt teal, but the color looked very streaky on another type of cheaper paper and I also didn't like the way it looked on this. Since I had plenty of cerulean blue I applied it in a few layers to get a smooth look. It is a rather opaque color, so that is usually not advisable. I also “broke” another rule of watercolor by using ivory black. It was mixed with other colors for the bird’s feathers. Rather than limit my palette as I normally do, I used quite a variety of colors to get the branch and the shadows on the bird and its bill. Since my first attempt was so unsuccessful, and it seemed as if I was “ruining” the painting I just did whatever I felt like doing because I had nothing to lose. It does have a wee bit of a graphic look, rather than traditional watercolor, but overall I'm relatively happy with the way that it came out.

It's stunning and I love the graphic look, Joy! He makes a bold statement against the beautiful blue background. You rule breaker you. :)
Thank you - The colors are more vivid in person. It gave me an emotional boost to be able to save something that I thought was beyond repair, as I am frequently disappointed with my efforts.
This is a beauty Joy! The background blue is so even, and the dark of the bird is such a good contrast. Love all those colours in the plumage. I like that you used black - I like using it too!
This is a beauty Joy! The background blue is so even, and the dark of the bird is such a good contrast. Love all those colours in the plumage. I like that you used black - I like using it too!

Kay, I was thinking of using it, then when I saw how well you used in in your painting I decided to give it a go.
It is lovely. Mixing the colors in with the black was a smart move. It gives it so much life.
Thanks to you both!

Jo, this was a cross post, so double thanks to you!
I have been working my way down the threads, so I commented on this nearer to the top of the forums, but I want to say again how much I love this. Excellent color and technique. ♥️
This is a wonderful watercolor, Joy - I'm amazed, frankly, at your depth of color. If you'd posted it and made us guess the medium, I would have said soft pastels. Such a rich buildup of color. I love the beak and the "white" of the throat. The cerulean blue looks terrific against your toucan. Great work!
Margaret - thank you!

Terri - what a lovely thing to say. Just this once, my overworking didn't come back to bite me!