Animal And Wildlife Challenge monthly hosting schedule


From Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England
Supporting Member
Hello Everyone

Here's the host schedule so far.
If anyone would like to host a month, please let me know .

OCT 2021 Host: me
NOV 2021 Host: Penny
DEC 2021 Host: Kay

JAN 2022 Host: Fedetony

Thank you Penny, Kay and Fedetony for offering to host and for your enthusiasm.
You are very welcome, Patricia. I am only too grateful you have started these challenges.
Hi all! I've stuck this thread for you to hopefully keep the schedule easier to find. :)

Reach out when/if you want this un-stuck.
That's great. Thankyou Terri.
Thank you Kay. :D

Here's the updated host schedule.

Oct: Me
Nov: Penny
Dec: Kay

Jan: Fedetony
Feb: Kay M
Thank you Vivien ! :D

Here's the updated host schedule.

Oct: Me
Nov: Penny
Dec: Kay

Jan: Fedetony
Feb: Kay M
March: Vivien
That's great ! Thank you Penny:)
You are welcome, Patricia. I will post them on the last day of this month, if that’s all right with you.

You can put me down for April 2022.
Yes, the last day of the month is good !
Thank you for offering to do April as well !:)

Here's the updated host schedule.

Oct : Me
Nov: Penny
Dec: Kay

Jan: Fedetony
Feb: Kay M
Mar: Vivien
April: Penny
Hello Hosts,

I'm wondering if my description of the aim of this challenge wasn't clear enough
on page one when I posted this month's photo ref's - that might
have been why someone posted an artwork that wasn't from one of the ref's
and also why he said that he wasn't familiar with the guidelines of this particular
challenge - which then led to further misunderstandings.

So - could you write a more detailed description than I did, when you are posting
your photo's.

It also occurred to me that perhaps he never looked at page one !
He might have only looked at the most recent page .

So, if possible , I would like to have the instructions for this challenge in their own
thread and stickied so that everyone can see what the aim of the challenge is.

Let me know what you think.

Hi Patricia, you want comments on your post so here's mine:
As you know, I was Moderator on the Animal & Wildlife Forum, on Wet Canvas for many years and this Format for the Challenge there, (and here,) was mine. Members loved seeing the photos for the Monthly Challenge posted every month and they wanted the date chosen (the 20th) so everyone could have the anticipation and excitement of posting their "take" on the photos at the same time. That's why a monthly "Reveal" date was chosen. And this Challenge was one of the most popular on Wet Canvas. BUT, as has been already mentioned, on the new All Media Art Events, this is not Wet Canvas and this is YOUR Challenge. So I think you can change the "Guidlines", to what you want the Challenge to be! As a footnote: I loved making a Gallery every month of the entries - it gave me a chance to have a really good look at the entries and werent they wonderful every month! But times change and we have to go with what Creative Spark members want - and on All Media they have done away with the photos option and are now going with "prompts". As popular? Only time will tell.
Hello Viv,

Thanks for replying.

I don't want to change the guidelines !
I want this challenge to stay exactly as it is [with photo ref's and reveal date
of the 20th.]
I really enjoy the anticipation and seeing 'who did which ref and how they did it !

I don't like prompts.

The reason I made this post is that someone posted an artwork that was not
from one of the references and he also stated that he didn't know what the
guidelines of this challenge are !
This in turn led to further misunderstandings which came close to spoiling the whole thing.

I think I could have written a clearer description of the challenge when I posted
this month's photo's and explained in detail about the photo ref's and the 20th reveal day.

I 'm really beginning to think that the person did not look at page one so I
thought that explaining the instructions in a separate thread might be a good idea but
I've changed my mind about that - the instructions and the photo refs on
page one each month should be enough - as it always has been.

I really liked your gallery .

Thanks, Pat for taking this on and for coping with us all.

It would be good to have the rules for the challenge stickied.

I think of it this way. Its a CHALLENGE to paint from the hosts photos, so other work can be posted elsewhere.

I will make it clear as I can when I host next month’s challenge.