An 800-year-old ink painting, regarded as the “Zen Mona Lisa,” has made a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the United States.


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This may be your only chance to see “Six Persimmons.” Painted with ink on paper in the 13th century, probably by a Chinese monk named Muqi, as part of a handscroll that also included “Chestnuts,” it was acquired in the 1500s by a Japanese merchant; cut out of the scroll and mounted on sumptuous green-and-white fabric inlaid with golden peonies; and donated to Daitokuji Ryokoin Temple, the Zen Buddhist institution in Kyoto that has been its guardian ever since, displaying it to the public only once a year for a single day.



New York Times: Muqi
Another proof that I am weeerd! I glanced at the work before zooming in, and my brain interpreted the persimmons as pump dispensers for hand lotions! 🤪 Worse yet, my wife agreed!
My first foray into painting was sumi-e, so this painting and others of the simplified Zen/Ch'an styles were my teachers. It's a lovely work. Yet, I'm not sure that the hype surrounding it is quite warranted. That's not because it's simple, rather because it's just really good in my book. I would gladly have it on my walls and would be deeply honored to have painted it none-the-less.
But to put it in perspective, despite my admiration for the works and genius of Leonardo, I'm not that impressed with the Mona Lisa either. Your Mileage My Vary (YMMV).