Alma Mater Prompt in Pastels

Jo Castillo

Contributing Member
I'm cross posting this because there aren't many pastel postings and I love pastels. I sketched this for the Scavenger Hunts for "hair" and "pair of" and the March Monthly Challenge for Prompts of "Alma Mater". Alma Maters for our kiddos (old adults now). On Pastelbord, 12 x 12 inches, with a variety of soft pastels. I wiped off a previous sketch on the board and recycled it. I do that often for sketches.

This is so sweet, Jo! Your handling of the bear's fur is amazing. Great job (and Hook 'em, Horns! My niece went there.). :LOL:
Charming little piece. I really like the back wall. It really pushes the objects to the forefront.
Loving the textures! The fur is fantastic, as is the shine on the mugs and fabric folds.
Terri, thanks. Daughter went to UT and we are still big Longhorn baseball fans. Hook 'em! Son to Texas State in San Marcos.

Wayne, thank you. It was fun to do, about an hour of playing in the dust!

Joy, thank you so much. Pastels are forgiving and drawing and painting all at once. Fun!
Jo: Your pastel work is truly special. I absolutely LOVE this piece! You are an uber talent! ❤️
I also like the fur.
I was a little puzzled until I enlarged the picture on my phone. Seeing "Texas" I translated the "San Mi" as "Without my", producing "Without my mom"! 😱 🤣
Looking closer, I saw my error. Now I need to stop laughing at myself and get up off the floor!

Rich, ha, you made me laugh as well. Too funny. Daughter went to University of Texas at Austin and son went to Texas State University at San Marcos. The crop was "san mal intenciones". Heh, heh.