My youngest son works in both digital arts and IT in Silicon Valley. He brought me a video, really an audio, of a dead personality whose voice was being re-created to tell about the advances in AI technology. Scary as shit!
I'm no Luddite, but starting to understand not their fears but their accurate perception of the pace, direction and impact of change on their lives.
In our lives in very short order we will see that you can longer trust
any of your senses to tell truth from fiction, and what will that do to society, law, etc.? The pace of AI creating a false reality is on the cusp of actually outpacing our biological/social mechanisms to do reality testing.
If you dislike the Metaverse, just take off your headset, refocus your eyes and smell the roses. But if you're living in a society in which people believe strongly enough in what they "see and hear" on social media to take up arms, to boycott business and to ostracize or even prosecute people, then guess where that goes when digitally manipulated versions of you and your neighbors appear all over saying or doing things that never actually happened. How would you like it if your neighbors all saw you in a porn or snuff film that is totally fake? How might the police and courts treat you? What about your employer or employees? Think on this, because it's coming very shortly to a theater near you, but no popcorn to soften the effect.
This is a warning, folks! It's more than a nuisance, a joke or a threat to some livelihoods. It can easily turn into a threat to our social sense of order and trust in one another. We're living in a science fiction pre-dystopia, I'm afraid.
BTW, as I recall Michael Crichton wrote a fictional novel about this way back in the 90s. While the theme was Japanese American relations, the premise was that IT could be manipulated to frame someone with murder, which it very well could do today: