Activists Chucking Soup at Paintings

I've supported every protest movement and I support this one. They have all been for good causes.
That is not quite true.
To say that all protests are for a good cause is a massive generalization !
I have seen many protests that were for definitely not for a good cause
and by occupying public streets and buildings took away the rights of others
[the people whose homes and work places etc were on those streets]

Climate change is a very complex subject. The earth's climate has always been
changing - even before humans ! Instead of doing something useless like gluing themselves
to paintings those people would do far more to fight climate change if they studied the
subject and then set about inventing new energy sources themselves !
That is not quite true.
To say that all protests are for a good cause is a massive generalization !
I have seen many protests that were for definitely not for a good cause
and by occupying public streets and buildings took away the rights of others
[the people whose homes and work places etc were on those streets]

Climate change is a very complex subject. The earth's climate has always been
changing - even before humans ! Instead of doing something useless like gluing themselves
to paintings those people would do far more to fight climate change if they studied the
subject and then set about inventing new energy sources themselves !

OK, point taken, I knew I over reached there, only around 95% of all protest movements are for a good cause. And yes they can annoying and inconvenient.

Yes climate change is a complex subject. I studied it in college. I have a degree in the related field. Earth science was my study area. Not to brag but I really know this subject. But if you don't believe me, go the experts

Your quote "The earth's climate has always changed" is true. But never before because of mankind and hardly ever this quickly. It's the rate of change that is the problem. Human and natural systems are adapted to certain conditions. When those conditions change quickly those systems and the life in them suffer.

And what the protestors did wasn't useless at all. The nightly news brought to us by Exxon sure isn't covering climate change. Bad for business and no one wants to hear about it.
No offense was meant to anyone and I'll not speak anymore on this here. It's too stressful for me and I need to do art, not this. Love you all.
No offense was meant to anyone and I'll not speak anymore on this here. It's too stressful for me and I need to do art, not this. Love you all.
No offense taken, at least not by me. :)

It's a charged subject, so that makes it a bit of a hot button to push in the Art Talk forum. As long as everyone is respectful, and mindful of the forum rules, discussions can go a bit off topic. But only a bit. ;)