My Horse In the Clouds Commission


Contributing Member
Hi I haven’t done a lot of animals but I can share this piece with you. I did it years ago now.
It was very large, it was done on brown drawing paper. I was working night and day at the time with my job, also working on call. And I had to get this done in a week! I’m proud of it because it turned out really well and I just didn’t know I could do it. Also it was a mix of mediums I put together and never tried before. It’s coloured pencil and pastel. I worked from a sepia colour photo that was given to me. My friend was surprising his girlfriend with this picture of her horse who was standing up on a hill and it looked like the horse was in the clouds. It was a wonderful photograph to work from. When I was done I did not want to have to part with it, but there you go! I did try the fixative spray-it really changed the colour, darkened areas even though I tried to do it with light touches in layers. I had to go back and lighten up the pastel areas.
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Great back story! Love it! The horse looks magnificent indeed. Gorgeous colors and clouds.

Terrific work, PB!
There’s something so beautiful about the horse and cloud combination. Even if the horse is no longer around (I hope it is) you know this is a treasured piece of art for your friends.
I thought I had comment on this, you must have cross posted it and maybe I saw it on a different post. In any case, I love it!❤️❤️ It is a fabulous painting and no wonder you would like to have it back! Sometimes it is like selling our children. :giggle:
Thank you, Snow and Donna. It sure is like giving up your children sometimes. And I felt like this one had become a doctor! Lol Somehow I managed to do that! Who knew?
Thanks Arty! Somehow it all came togther. Ever surprise yourself? What you can do, and how it just came together as if a positive flow? It was a confidence booster, that is for sure.
I love horses and this is amazing. Worked out well with the fixitif and then touch with new pastels. It is a good way to add more layers when the pastel tooth gets full. Great!!
I thought I commented on this b4, but it sure bears repeating. Horses are notoriously difficult, and your skill in rendering the musculature is astonishing. (y)(y)(y)(y)
Aw thank you Joy! I did have this cross posted so perhaps that’s why you and others think you’re seeing double. Lol
It was a great picture to work from and it was in sepia-so it was a monotone. Areas were highlighted very clearly. Less noise in a way then if it was in full colour I suppose.
This painting is very beautiful. 😍 Well done! 🐎 Sorry you had to let go of it 😭. I wouldn't have done that but I understand if it was a commission 😔.