Worm Family Home


I didn't know if I should post this in Landscapes or Contemporary, but here it is. This is a brand-new watercolor on Arches. It is 22.3 x 30 inches.

Definitely an attention-grabber, Ayin. Interesting shapes and subject matter! I like the somewhat distorted point of view!
What a colorful and fun work! I know it's desert, but it has a feeling of flowing to it, like it might be underwater. Very cool!
Wow! This is so much fun to look at. Colorful, playful and full of detail.

I am pondering how the worms peddle that bike. ;)

Your imagination never fails to amaze me. 👏
That painting, overall is really great Arty, I love it, ❤️❤️ but I have to ask if the worms are dancing on the rooftop or is there that much of them that won't fit in the home? ;):LOL:
This is classic Es at its best. the bike - genius. Worms usually have earth-tone colors. So since the earth is Crayola -luscious it's fitting that the worms are too!
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Thank you everyone! I truly appreciate all your comments and compliments. It gives me warm fuzzies.

Sno, I'm not sure how many worms live in the house, but that could have been a day they had extended family over.

Worms can't really ride bikes which is why the bike looks a little broken and bent. Many of the worms have tried to ride it to no avail.
Thank you so much Iain, truffles and ntl. I should thank everyone individually really. I have been so busy lately and have not been on the forum as much as I should be.

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I have been painting and trying to get a lot of other tasks done lately. I have finally caught up (just barely) with my schedule now and I need to stay on point toward getting all the work done for my show, especially since my gallery threw extra work at me :cautious:. An extra aerial oil painting and two small watercolors aside from all the other work, but I feel I can get those done now that I'm caught up in the main schedule.

I just finished one of the small watercolors, which I'll probably post today. The other one may have to wait until later next week since I have to do a shit-ton of dental procedures. :(

The other aerial oil painting I'm going to put off for now. I'm going to get the other watercolor done so I can frame all the finished watercolors (Yay!). Then I'll be working on two or three other oils before the last aerial...I'm going to give myself a break from all those dots! :LOL:
It grabbed my attention immediately and the bicycle is great - I really think it adds to the painting.