

Supporting Member
Another old B&W photo of mine, taken somewhere in north Georgia (SE USA). This is an image transfer onto Canson 9x12" watercolor paper, over acrylic paint. The transfer medium was Golden Soft matte gel.

After removing the paper backing (the print is placed face down into wet gel medium), I hand colored lightly around the foliage with Prismacolor pencils.

Whirlygigs, painted IT.jpg

By the way...can anyone tell me what a "whirlygig" is? I never turned right. ;)

All comments welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for looking!
That’s an interesting development: love the sky part.
As for wirlygigs, maybe there were a few good bands playing there. 😂
You are on a roll with these image transfers, Terri! It’s so cool how you let the background colors show through to affect the look or mood of the print. I guess blank sky spaces work well for that.
I think this is great Terri. The blending of the printed and painted is very interesting. They are different but together. And it makes me wonder. What's a whirlygig again? Oh yeah..... :)

"A whirligig is a toy that spins or has at least one part that spins, such as a pinwheel, spinning top, or buzzer. Whirligigs can also be called comic weathervanes, gee-haws, spinners, or whirlies. They are often powered by wind, but can also be hand-, friction-, or motor-powered. Whirligigs can be used as garden ornaments, and can be designed to transmit sound and vibration into the ground to repel burrowing rodents. "

I'm left guessing as to how you did this and what's what. I like being perplexed that way. I'm guessing that the pencil work is the real icing on the cake here.

Now we want this four feet high and in a gallery. ;)
Thank you for explaining the mystery of the whirlygig, John! :LOL:

And thanks for the kind words. :) Just an image transfer onto the watercolor paper, that I had painted a bit before making the transfer. It's not an exact process since you don't know exactly what colors will show through the transfer - just an approximation.

Yes, the colored pencils are the detail work afterwards. :)
Terri, you're on top of your game - I really like this one - also makes me want to see the whirlygigs the sign is pointing at.
Thank you, Bongo! ❤️

Haha, this was one of those "Stop the car!" moments where I jumped out and blew off a few frames (film of course) on the side of the road. But we were driving through and didn't have time to make that right hand turn. :)
Now that I think about it, we've had a problem with moles. I think we need some whirlygigs! Even if they don't work they will look cool and confuse/amuse our dog. Or he will just pee on them like everything else that sticks up.

Oh and they are spelled "whirligig" But does anyone care? LOL

There are some really nice ones. I might get one for the garden. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=whirligi...efix=whilygi,aps,92&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_2_7
Cool link!! Now that I'm seeing these online, as kids we always called them spinners. But that was here in the Northern USA.

Oh and they are spelled "whirligig"
I reckon the spelling is different in that part of the world. ;)
Thank you, Sno! ❤️

All this makes me think I should have taken that right turn... :LOL:
LOVE THIS! So cool. It's as cool as a whirlygig! Ha ha ha. You certainly are onto something with the transfers. There's an immediacy about these that make them extra special. ♥️
Thank you, Ayin! I am kind of on an image transfer kick at the moment. The process can be addictive. :LOL: