Where's My Ship ..Oh I Remember .. It Sunk



11 x 14 inch study .. oil on paper .. Brush/Knife .. Alla Prima .. Painted 22/01/22
It looks peaceful and serene because all the sailors swam to shore and they have just left to walk home. Nice work, Wayne!
Well painted! I like the composition alot. I’m not convinced about the hot yellow in the clouds in relation to the grey sky.
Very nice! One question, though: would the angle of the trees follow the angle of the land? Trees struggle to grow upright, don't they?
UThank you Arnie and Lamar.

Tress grow upright if conditions are equal but when they grow among unmovable objects they bend and lean. There are no one set of rules. Besides, as an artist I can grow them upside dow if I chose. 🤣😂😅
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From the geotechnical point of view, inclined trees can be an indication of a sliding terrain ;)
Nice coast to relax!
Thank you classic. There are few rules. Heck I have seen orange trees in winter light.