Newfoundland .. the rock


old man
Ship Cove 1.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Sept 11/24
This is the first painted from my reference photos I took while in Newfoundland for a mini vacation last week
.. and a smaller version for a distance view ...
Ship Cove 1xx.jpg
Hey look who's back. I hope you had a relaxing vacation and came home with lots of inspiration, Wayne. This is such a bold and dynamic piece! I always like the defiant look of pine trees who manage to live on top of rocks like this. Great work on creating the look of those slabs of rock with your knife!
Thank you Donna .. good to be home. We had to cancel the vacation part way through as after about 5 days my wife fell over my cousins back door deck stairs and managed to get a lot bruised up. {4 steps and then the gravel driveway} Lucky, nothing broke but discomforting as she already has a bad back. We are home 2 days and she is doing well. I did get a about off about 100 pictures but a lot of duplicate material. I will glean the pile slowly and with great scrutiny. I had a nice little abstract done this morning but decided to add a few strokes and I lost it. Not a biggie as I have decided to work small on the abstracts till I get a better feel for them.
Your poor wife! I’m glad she’s doing better and I’m sure you’re both thankful that it wasn’t worse. It’s good to know you were able to get some photos. Maybe after they percolate a bit they will emerge as landscapes or abstracts.
Wow, this painting is majestic, Wayne! I like how it really looks like a very strong, high and steep rock. You did well with this view, which is difficult to paint.
This is my favourite painting you have done so far. 👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Really like the composition of this piece. Rocks done so well.
Hope your wife is feeling better. I did that last week. Not cool!
Thanks Donna. Very thankful. So lucky.

Thanks Moscatel. Painting is easier when you love painting your reference.

Thanks Boss. Hope you recover like my wife. She is a good healer: unlike myself, she is very strong minded.
Well, I’m strong minded anyway! Ha ha. I really hurt myself and three days later I ended up in the ER. I couldn’t breathe and so I couldn’t sleep at all. I was all bruised up and my hip was really messed up, but, turns out I was swollen on the inside and it was pushing in on the lungs. I don’t think I would’ve ever thought of that. So they gave me some anti-inflammatories. But yeah, she’ll be good and sore in all kinds of different places for the next week anyways. Glad she didn’t break anything. When I was younger I took that exact same fall and I was OK. But I remember at some point I was airborne and I realized I was going to miss all three steps! Flying! I’m sorry that happened and that you had to come back sooner from Newfoundland. I have many friends from Newfoundland and some have moved back and the pictures are incredible. They love it there.The people are wonderful.
PS I have a painting that’s 12 years old that needs to be completed and it’s a pine needles and all the rocks that need done. I find it so tedious. Maybe you could finish it for me?😉
She got colour now. 🤣 lots of purple and green. She is in control as she wants to be better. She fell flat on 4 and then bounced down 3,2,1, ground floor. Then a few hours after she was on the couch as well as I and when I got up I lost my balance and ended up on her leg for one of her bigger bruises. I am glad you escaped breakage as well. Getting old is such an adventure. As for needles I never see them .. much like rocks: they take a shape and are no longer needles and stones.
Thank you Sno .. you know that's because Eye is a jeane yes said the fool on the hill and the song held the crowd still
Wow! This is majestic! Love the composition here: the rock and cliff are the stars with just that bit of greenery and blue sky. Excellent shadows and so much color! Great job.

So sorry your wife took a spill that ended the vacation early - glad she's doing better. Growing old ain't for sissies!
I do love your landscapes so I'm biased but this one is in the upper tier. Top notch Wayne.
Thanks John .. yes, I see that now and I need to get back to that particular paint application.
Excellent composition Wayne. Really like how all the elements work together, as well as the colors. ♥️

So sorry about your wife! Ouch!!!