Where is Donna?

Hi Wayne, if you mean me I’m still kicking. I’ve been trying to keep my head above an ocean of pain and don’t have energy left for anything else. I have a wicked case of tendinitis in the hand that is recovering from surgery #4, steroid injections in the other wrist and all of this on top of chronic 24/7 headaches that have plagued me and puzzled all kinds of doctors for 13 years. I tried a surgery for the headaches last year but it didn’t help. Between the hand pain and the dizzy dopiness from the headaches I’m a mess but thanks for asking about me. ❤️ All I need is one good hand and a brain cell that works without pain so I can feel like being part of the world again. Sleep would be good too! 🙂
Glad you are still with us but sad for your illness. I was a mess for about 5 months after my little stroke but I mended and can do most things again. I a fortunate. Hopefully yours will turn to the positive and you will heal. Keep believing. ❤️❤️❤️
Hang in there, Donna. Like Wayne, I've had small strokes and more recently spells of getting faint and falling in spite of my walker but I'm hanging in there. I know you're doing the besst you can to hang in there, too, and so is Wayne. PaintBoss is one of us, too, hanging in there with physical challenges. None of us are giving up or giving in, so we're doing well even if we don't feel well a lot of the time. You'll always be in my thoughts.
Missing you around here, Donna - no doubt! ❤️ But you know I'm another one who understands dealing with chronic or acute pain, so you have my sympathies and best wishes to turn the corner soon.
Thanks so much for the kind thoughts everyone. I know there are many of us dealing with health issues and trying our best to be the artists we want to be. When friends and family don’t understand the importance of being able to make art, the overwhelming drive to make art or the utter joy of even the simplest accomplishments it’s so good to know you all are here. You get it! I hope those of you who need healing and strength get it so you can get back to whatever is calling you; whatever new media you want to explore, whatever new technique you want to try.
So good to see you posting again. You are so right, most people don’t understand the soul burning when you have to put down something that is part of your essence. I pray you will heal so you can in some manner find the peace of continuance in your inner being. ❤️
Hey Donna, I sure do understand where you are coming from. I sincerely hope you get some improvement, even if its in trade offs at times. Like, pain yes, but no dizziness. You have much to contend with.
I would long to touch a canvas. It burned so brightly in me that I knew I would some day, as soon as I could, no matter how feeble, do it again. I held that in front of me for 8 years! It is still not common for me to do any art because of chronic illness. But same principle applies. It is a matter of when and not if I will do it again. No, family does not understand. Don’t know why I need all the stuff, and where I can see most of it from my bed. Lol They think it just collects dust. But my mind is busy by what it represents.
At one point they insisted on me getting rid of everything because we really didn’t think I’d ever be able to do anything again. And then everything was life-threatening which only got worse with the ongoing sepsis. And I would get upset and say no. I will get rid of the stuff I know I won’t use again and the big stuff, but this is who I am. It’s me. Bad health may be taking everything away from me, But I was not ready to give up the essential me and hope just yet! Art was my hope. That IS the fight in me! I do not care if I am a slow turtle and it takes years, but I have to have art in my life. When it was really bad I bought art just so that I had something to stare at when I couldn’t get out of my room and do anything but struggle to breathe and not panic. It is so important. And you know what? I am so thankful I have that in me and I’m so thankful that I have a ability to do it whenever I feel like I can. So fortunate. I still have something! I stare at my empty canvases or my unfinished canvases and consider the possibilities. It helped me cope.
So Donna, I hope you get feeling relief of any kind, and I hope to see you around even if it’s in little bits and bobs, like myself. So dependant on how you feel I know. Even if you just pop in and said hey. Let us know you’re still kicking. See the gang. I hope you can sometime do something with your art.
Take good care. Keep the faith ( art!)
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Hi PaintBoss! I think about you often because I know you are really, really fighting. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement - and wisdom. You are so right that we can’t give up on being artists because it’s who we are. Look at the amazing abstract work you recently posted! What an accomplishment! My art spirit needs to feel that kind of excitement again and you inspire me so much. If you’re going to be a slow turtle when it comes to making art then I’ll be a slow turtle with you. I hope you are in a good place and I wish you pain -free days and nights. ❤️
Aw, thank you sooooo much Donna. That touched my heart. Yes, the turtle club is now official! Slow but determined! Always comforting to have fine company- friends-in whatever situation or circumstances we find ourselves in.🙂🙂🙂🙏🏻
Lol So true! Where is our irreplaceable Sno? I hope she’s not painting rocks. She hates doing those, even though they turn out so well…😋