What ROCK Music are you listening to?

REM was one of my bands way back in the day. The chorus of this song would still rattle through my mind every now and then. But today, as I listened again to the whole song (and the sweetness of the boy in the video), it hit me in a brand new way. Almost made me cry. Nostalgia for the innocence of the past, while looking for something to hang onto. Maybe that’s hope, or maybe it’s…resilience.

I don’t know.
But I (don’t) feel fine.

It’s the End of the World as We Know It

Same. One of my faves also and I was also very recently thinking of that same song. I also used to believe in the sentiment of that, but not now.

Now I just have some warped version of "Age of Aquarius" running through my head where the song just slows to a stop.
“It’s the End of the World as We Know It” took on a more foreboding meaning even back in the day when it was used in the film, Independence Day. But then it had a comic edge. I don’t feel that today. A song that seems closer to my feeling today is:

Certainly, those were dark days as well… and truly not all that long ago.
I started listening to an album from 1979, XTC: Drums and Wires.

Showing my age here :LOL:, but I'm hooked on Steely Dan at the moment. (On Apple Music so I can't post a link.)