First of all, I want to apologize for calling classical music boring. That was rude of me and caused a stir. It is of course not at all. I've enjoyed a lot of it. It just so happens that at this point in my life it is not grabbing me. Probably an attention span thing or something. I have a general aversion to anything with "classic" in it, including classic rock. Mostly I think it's because I like novelty over familiarity.
Yeah, I agree Tridauna, Heilung is very interesting to say the least, I have a couple of their works. LIFA is amazing, I have it on vinyl. At first look it's difficult to take them seriously until one looks into their concept. Very unique music. I would love to see them live.
Brian, Penguin Cafe is very cool, a fave, but pretty far from "rock" IMO.

And speaking of Philip Glass, also one of my faves. I have three records and four CDs of his works. Talk about a productive creative genius. And his influence is everywhere now with contemporary classical, like Nico Muhly's works. And Hermes, I suspect that you see the connection of Glass to Heilung because of the repetition. The tribal chanting that mesmerizes. Glass tapped into that also.
Reminds me of a joke.
"Knock knock" "Who's there?" " Philip Glass. " "Knock knock" "Who's there?" " Philip Glass. " "Knock knock" "Who's there?" " Philip Glass. " etc
I'm loving the above musical suggestions. You all rock. I still have to check all of these out. Like art, the amount is overwhelming but searching around in it can really reward. We find the thing that resonates, like that vid that Brian just posted about our "wird" .