What do you want to be when you grow up?

You are welcome. The energy you and yours show is amazing! I wish all the best, and I thank you for the kind words
I am a husband and father but the musician in me can't seem to shake off the draw
of gigging, being on the road, gigging town to town.
The other night we watched a documentary about Dunkirk, in which there was a guy whose job, assuming I had a completely different set of talents, I would love to have.

For over thirty years, he's been restoring Spitfires.
The other night we watched a documentary about Dunkirk, in which there was a guy whose job, assuming I had a completely different set of talents, I would love to have.

For over thirty years, he's been restoring Spitfires.
Triumph Spitfires?
Probably I'd be more suited to restoring De Havilland Mosquitoes, since they were mostly made of wood. But the Spitfire is the most beautiful of all WWII fighters; maybe the most beautiful prop plane of any kind. The guy in the film rightly pointed out that there are no straight lines in a Spitfire--everything is curved or recurved.
When I grow up, I want to return to knowing what it is I want.
It was easy once upon a time, wasn't it?

I wanted to be a guitar builder. Now, all you gotta do to learn is look on YouTube. There's one on every corner; it's no big deal. Back then, it was shrouded in mystery. Hardly anybody in this country was doing it and the few who were weren't inclined to talk about it.

Also, they all built classicals. I wanted to build steelstrings, but there was no tradition at all of people building them alone--they were all made in factories. It was so hard to find any info, it took four years to get myself into a situation where I had enough knowledge to build my first.

So, I did it. And as with a lot of dreams, reality turned out to be very different.
When i was younger i wanted to be a king. I also wanted to be a racecar driver as i enjoyed it on the videogame and i broke a world record (on simulator videogame). although this is not much available for me right now.

I have worked only one job for a year it was configuration of AOI machines in PCB production, now i want to be a sysadmin or a cook or some chill worker.
Taller. Unfortunately, genetics and the environment has thwarted such ambition.

The height of the average
Glaswegian male is 5' 7" as cloud cover - the enviromental factor - starts a 5' 8".
My son wants to be a racing driver and he has shown enormous talent Karting.
He competes in the over 16's category, but is only 11. He acquired his indoor
karting licence on merit, his lap times are up there with the adults.

Sadly, he is a big lad and unless he embraces an 'Elf' diet (Eat Less Food) he
will have to think about a career change, become a Rugby player or Club Bouncer.