I guess I didn't ask the question correctly. What I want to know is, what particular thing are you working on to better lately, not what your aim is for your art in general. ..
Composition. We all know the "rules" of composition. I'm not trying to break them or follow them. Just come up with the most
impactful composition I can. I think we tend to get lazy about composition because we know the "rules" and once we settle on a subject we're anxious to get on with the painting. But composition is arguably the most important part - and the most difficult to impossible thing to correct once you start.
Expressions. When I do portraits I strive for likeness or believability. Often the "paint"
not me determines the expression. The expression is what happens while I'm working on flesh tones, values, etc.
So often when I get a good portrait, but it doesn't convey the expression I intended I change my "intention" instead of changing the painting for fear I'll mess it up in the process. I want more than a straight, neutral face rendering and
I want to decide what it is and not leave it up to chance. And when I say expression - I don't mean

- those are characters of expressions, exaggerations. Ideally, the face would seem -
just about to smile,
just about to cry,
just about to look away, - etc. And I'm okay if the viewer doesn't get it "
right" what I want most is a
sense of communication or interaction- that the sitter in the portrait is aware of you, or speaking to you.