Wanda’s Guernsey


Well-known member
Wanda, the daughter of a friend, asked me to knit a Guernsey for her. I wanted to add a pattern but she wants a plain one, so I’ve begun.

The navy colour wool was out of stock, so I am using this, which is “Falmouth Navy“ and is blacker than navy, and I think is one of the original colours which fishermen wore. They were knitted, originally in this navy or cream. Nowadays, there is a wide range of colour for 5 ply Guernsey wool.


That's a nice color, Penny, and your stitches look so neat and even. I hope the wool is a nice one to knit with!
Thanks, Donna. Yes, it is a nice ply to knit. It’s slightly stretchy. I enjoy knitting finer stitches.
Penny, I will be watching this. I have always referred to the darkest navy color as "Midnight Navy", unless that is bluer than yours. Falmouth appears nearly black on the screen.
Thanks, Joy. Yes, the colour is nearer black than blue. It’s the traditional colour used for Guernseys. The colour used by the Navy service is dark blue - and what I think of as “navy”. This blacker colour could be what the fishermen of Falmouth used, thus its being named after the town.