Triangle of Three


old man
AA Jan 1323.jpg

Golden Calf

AA Jan 1423.jpg

She Wore Blue Velvet

AA Jan 1223.jpg

Homage to the Circle

All there are 11 x14 Alla Prima .. painted Feb 15/16/17 or 2023
Well you've been busy! These are cool, all different and all requiring us to think about what we're seeing.
These are all lovely, Wayne. I never get tired of looking closely at your brush/knife strokes.

Although today, I must curse you because you planted an earworm with "She Wore Blue Velvet." :ROFLMAO:
Thank you CaliAnn. I'm sure you will like "she wore brown track pants" as well.

Terri, " Say It Ain't So Joe"

Thanks Zen
You mean January, yes? Not Feb. ;) These are all very dynamic. I especially like the top one. The colors and the mystery of the narrative. I like that's it's unclear as to what is happening in the chair. It's very alluring. ♥️
Oh yea. January. Thank you Ayin. I'm liking the idea of a less in your face painting. It allows for more intrigue.
All of them are very cool Wayne. I like Homage to the Circle best. I don't know why.