

old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Feb 17/24
.... need to get off this as I am using all the wrong colorings .. will try tomorrow for something more artsy, for lack of a better word ..
Thank you Ayin. No need for water. Had a flat yesterday and by the time I jacked the car and changed the tire I was spent. I could barely talk I was so spent. Sucks to be old and on meds.
I think this is great, Wayne, and the skin tones work very well! Sorry to hear about the flat but at least you could use both hands to deal with it. I would still be trying to get the jack from the trunk 😂
Yea, I know. I am fortunate: just a bad loser. 🤣

Thanks for both accounts, a great lift. ❤️
I think it works very well, Wayne.❤️ Sorry about the flat (and getting old too, but it happens to the best of us) My problem now days with changing a flat is lifting the dang tire up onto the lugs. 😩
I love this!! Wonderful coloring and piercing blue eyes, Terrific!!

Glad you got the tire changed by yourself. I'm with Donna. But I'd only struggle with the jack in my mind, and then call for roadside assistance. :LOL: