Toscana - Grosseto


oil painter
20x30 cm, oil on wood. Started as pleinair but it changed so much after working more in studio that it's not pleinair anymore.

Absolutely beautiful! Perspective spot on. Similar to the mountains here in Western Pennsylvania.
Wow, that atmosphere and sense of distance looks so authentic! Your plein air start must have really inspired you. Gorgeous painting!
Bart, 👍 the painting is from moscatel not from Bongo but thanks anyway.

Joy, thank you!

Donna, thank you, I think painting in Italy is big inspiration.
Jo, yes .. that's where I started painting it originally in Tuscany. Wrote the title Toscana in Italian as I'm more used to. Thank you!
Moscatel, Mo, Mo, Mo…..quietly just blowing us away. Wow!
I am slowly discovering your work. Such a treat! I am also wondering who I am talking to. What is your first name? Are you a man or a woman? Do you live in Italy? How lovely to paint in Tuscany!
Beautiful work!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
~Christine, outside Hamilton Ontario🇨🇦
Is there a way we can add a signature to the bottom of our post that shows our first name?
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Glorious! A beautiful scene, I'd love to be there! Really great sense of depth and I like the change from warm to cool. 🙂
PaintBoss, thank you! You are very kind. I'm now in Helsinki, the capital. I go every now and then to Italy, Venice and Spain to paint trips. Those landscapes inspire.
You can find signature in the top bar where you can see your small round avatar icon - click it and there opens a drop down window - you can see Account details. Right under Account details word in the top you can see three lines and it says Your account - click and to a side opens more options including Signature.
I'm using phone. I have/had signature but it doesn't show on my phone but does in computer.
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