Torn Between Two Lovers .. based on An Old Woman Dozing (1656) Nicolaes Maes



As usual: 11 x 14 oil on paper .. Alla Prima .. this is based on an old classic I found surfing. It inspired me to paint my version. Not trying to do anything but use another painter's composition and subject matter and paint it the way I paint: not the way they painted. Fairly obvious.
very beautiful,
then these combinations or contaminations are a very strong thing,
when we find studies, or reinterpretations of artists it is always beautiful and interesting
Thank you Joe.
I did this and an interpretation of Madam Cezanne-Woman in a Green Hat which I will post tomorrow or later. This one I liked better because it had more holding power. The color tint is a tad more purple but computers will be computers. It might show proper on someone else's machine. Who knows. Anyway, the endless repetition lends a viewer to see all sorts of shapes based on images within their mind and this one appeals to me because it looks like melting wax: just making new images out of old ones.
Thank you Arty. More texture than color on this one. It's a learning process at the moment as the application is new to me. It's a continuation of the old series but without the outlines so I am learning how to connect the whole without visible lines. A little more tricky but not over whelming. Just gotta get the ding ding dingaDee dong in the right order.
Might as well sneak it in now: 11 x 14 Alla Prima oil on paper .. After Madam Cezanne & The Green Hat

Woman in a Green Hat, Madame Cezanne.jpg

This was not about a copy, just about a feel. Can you feel her fall from the chair? I failed the color test on this one but I think the effect works. If it makes you feel it's a good thing.
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The knife work on both of these is amazing. I love paintings that let me also use my imagination. While I do love detail, I also like to let my imagination run with the lack of them. Well done. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
This second one is really good and I do not think you failed in the palette at all. The greens with the whites are sophisticated IMO, as is the painting as a whole. I look for this very kind of style when seeking out paintings to buy. Excellent work. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
nice too.

the feeling is beautiful, what you were saying, the design that it suggests to the viewer and he must complete, that magazine, book that I had taken, often talked about this.
Thank you Arty: Wow: who knew?
Thank you Joe: yes it is nothing new but a concept that is imperative to my art.
Here is the last of Madame: This one I played more with color. Not to say bright is better but all things have a place.
11 x 14 Alla Prima Oil on Paper

These are all so interesting. I love the free and spirited expression, an explosion of color and stroke.
Wayne, don't let me monkey with your head. You liked the second one better, so that was your decision. ;)
don't let me monkey with your head
.. not possible.

I made the second because I felt I failed the color on the first but after painting it, I realized it's not the same painting any longer. They both stand on their own so I like them both for different reasons.
Thank you Susan. Glad you are enjoying a part of my journey. Company is nice. Looked over your site and you are a very talented artist.