Forest Edge


old man
Field Edgesm.jpg

Field Edge.jpg

Forest Edge ... 11 x 14 inches .. oil on panel .. alla prima .. painted Jan 16/24

Ok, the talk is over about Tonalism. I've read a few different lectures and watched a few differen videos and come to the conclusion that most of these people concerned have no clue. They form an opinion and that is what Tonalism is. Bull. I'll form my own opinion. It's all about capturing a sunrise or sunset and doing it properly. At sunrise or set the earth takes on a glow from the sun and all the colors conform to it. It's different every time the sun rises and sets because of factors beyond my scope of understanding. I have watched an abundance of both and not from painting but from fishing. Always on the water before sunrise and a lot of times after the sunset. That's best times for fishing. Anyway, I have taken what I see from tonalism and from here after it is dead. I paint my way which is the same as my religion: "Wayneism". It's all I know because it's what I understand and I go to hell or Heaven based on my beliefs not those of anyone else. It's my art so I paint it my way, begging, borrowing, and stealing along the way.
This is based on the insight I recieved after looking at some winter scenes but Charles Eaton. This is actually based on any of his paintings but solely on the insight and thoughts I formed after viewing his winter pictures. This one in particular stroked the engine of thought. Actually this, to my surprise, is for sale on eBay.
Just keep painting the way that suits you. I can't keep track of all the "isms" in the art world. I like how those few leftover leaves add a little warmth to your painting.
I love Wayneism! And how wonderful for me that you're an expert at it. ❤️

That said, you really nailed the tonal values here. Charles Warren Eaton is one of the Tonalists who paints the darkest values I've ever seen - it's nearly impossible to go that dark but still see such nice color variations. But this one of yours is exceptionally good - that is one dark forest behind the leading lines of the trees. Your grays and use of other neutrals just nail the mood here. It's excellent!

Okay, I know we're done with Tonalism and you're quite right about how many opinions there are about what it is. (I'm in the tonal values/mood camp.) BUT - I shall torture you one more time with this one, just because I think you'll like it and it's about my favorite Charles Warren Eaton out there.

Bruges Moonlight:

Charles Warren Eaton Bruges Moonlight.jpg

Apologies: I didn't know the file size was so large. This is one dark moody thing and I'm a fool for it. :LOL:

Actually this, to my surprise, is for sale on eBay.
😲 Whaaaaat?!? I love that one, too - buy it for me, Uncle Wayne!!!!!
Thank you Donna and Terri.

Terri .. that is a beautiful night picture. It's a moonlight sonata. About buying you a picture: sorry, Uncle Wayne is avid about not buying off eBay. 😟 Only for that.
Your Forest Edge is great, it looks like the edge of the forest.😊You keep painting like you, because no one can paint more like you than you.❤️🧡
Thank you Donna and Terri.

Terri .. that is a beautiful night picture. It's a moonlight sonata. About buying you a picture: sorry, Uncle Wayne is avid about not buying off eBay. 😟 Only for that.

This is an excellent piece. I know nothing of tonalism, but I fully agree with Terri. I like Wayneism. I think most art is mostly opinion anyway. And the rest is Bull! ha ha ha. :ROFLMAO: We do what we do how we do it and however we get there. Does that even make sense? I don't know, but does art make sense? You make it make sense, so that's all that matters. ♥️
Thanks Ayin .. it's all just fun and learning. You need hip waiters for the amount of bull surrounding art and on top of that you better have a life perserver.