Evening Tide


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 1/24 . .. still working on the what I call the Sargent approach which is to paint the values correctly and not worry about the details of the subject painting as the painting will paint itself if the related values are correct.
I am not trying to copy anyone that good but I am trying to learn in my own way what that ideal means to me and develop my technique using anything I can understand from anyone who has passed this way before.

and a smaller version to give you the perspective of viewing from a distance.. frame is just a mock up

Wow! Beautiful landscape - the light in this one is beautiful. I love how it draws the eye inward, so the brightest value is where the eye begins then follows out and upward. This is really clever. A restful and serene palette for a restful and serene scene.

Love it! ❤️
Beautiful.❤️ A good way to check your values is to squint so that you don't see details anyway.
Thank you Terri and Sno. I have a distance to go on resolving the one value into the next without blending. It’s more difficult as I get caught up in the act of painting and forget to apply things without thought as they can only be applied that way when it’s a learned habit.
Great job Wayne. I like your landscapes and this one with water is especially appealing to me. I like how the distance is blurred and the foreground comes right up with the warmth and detail. And the motion in the water. Well done. Gold star!
Wow! I’d say your values work in this one! Mission accomplished! You make the most of the beautiful views in your part of the world.