Today was the day I lost my Cherry


Well-known member
Was my first time- that is getting caught in the rain while painting. Was just a light sprinkle at first - which happens often this time of year. So I just tilted the lid a bit on the Yarka to protect the painting and kept going... but the rain kept coming - gentle but lots of it. So I closed up shop but in the process knocked over a tall glass of lemonade I had put next to my brushes. But they can be washed and I've got 4 coats of linseed oil on the easel so no harm there.. The painting got covered with rain droplets - but no damage I can't fix.

I might get one of those clear poly condoms tarps - so I could just drape it over everything next time and wait out the rain.
😂🙂😂😊. Sorry—not really funny, huh...
Baptism of—-rain! 🌂🌂🌂
I hope you got a good painting Even with the rain. We’re you using water color, or water mixable oil?
I was using oils... and oddly I think that is what saved it. Had it been acrylics the raindrops would have diluted the paint and streaked.
But with oils the water just sits on top in little droplets since oil and water don't mix. This was a really a light shower, in a downpour might not be as lucky.l
You're brave Bongo, it is raining almost daily here right now so I would never attempt it. You'll likely get plenty of hot sunny days this summer. :giggle:
I was using oils... and oddly I think that is what saved it. Had it been acrylics the raindrops would have diluted the paint and streaked.
But with oils the water just sits on top in little droplets since oil and water don't mix. This was a really a light shower, in a downpour might not be as lucky.l
You're right Bongo. I speak from experience with both oil and acrylic a long time ago; although, some few of the drippy effects and spots in the acrylic looked good.

Wind and mushy ground were also common problems and dropping and losing brushes. ( Paint your brush handles with bright paint to make them easier to find in the undergrowth.)

Have fun !