Thoughts about my Daily Challenge


Well-known member
Hi folks, I can't say I'm so qualified to write this up or suggest stuff to the many professionals here, its more about me getting my thoughts together, and it may assist others.
I challenged myself to doing a painting a day at the start of the new year, for the most part it's still on course. #75 and counting, along with the off larger or other pieces I work on aside from the dailys
Here's what I've learnt ( I think).

1 it's easy to start but gets harder to maintain and stay motivated.
2. Subject matter has been a big challenge for me and I resort to painting Anything....
3. If I have to skip a day I try to do 2 the following day
4. To keep momentum I have had to try everything from still life, portraits, landscapes, doodles, you name it
5. I find that my observation of form and value have improved, still not perfect tho
6. I have found some subjects feel right to me, others I struggle with
7. I have found that by going with the ones I struggle with has actually pushed me more to experiment and have been more useful in experimenting etc
8. I have had to ignore the jokes and digs about having an exhibition or doing a degree in art, or whats that supposed to be comments.
9. I have tried several new media just because I needed to change or experiment
10. Not every daily has to be perfect!!! That was a biggie for me
11. I work better in the morning. Maybe it's the light or attention span....
12. I am learning about some subtle techniques and how different media work.
13. Motivation goes up and down but you need to stick at it... To cop out is soooo easy
14. Some of what I think are the better pieces were unexpected and these offered a zen doorway to explore or study as to why
15. It's a bit like going to school, can't say I like it but it's super useful.

Ok, these are random thoughts and I may think of more. I'd welcome thoughts from others doing similar "daily" or other regular routines to see how they tackle it.
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Hi folks, I can't say I'm so qualified to write this up or suggest stuff to the many professionals here, its more about me getting my thoughts together, and it may assist others.
I challenged myself to doing a painting a day at the start of the new year, for the most part it's still on course. #75 and counting, along with the off larger or other pieces I work on aside from the dailys
Here's what I've learnt ( I think).

1 it's easy to start but gets harder to maintain and stay motivated.
2. Subject matter has been a big challenge for me and I resort to painting Anything....
3. If I have to skip a day I try to do 2 the following day
4. To keep momentum I have had to try everything from still life, portraits, landscapes, doodles, you name it
5. I find that my observation of form and value have improved, still not perfect tho
6. I have found some subjects feel right to me, others I struggle with
7. I have found that by going with the ones I struggle with has actually pushed me more to experiment and have been more useful in experimenting etc
8. I have had to ignore the jokes and digs about having an exhibition or doing a degree in art, or whats that supposed to be comments.
9. I have tried several new media just because I needed to change or experiment
10. Not every daily has to be perfect!!! That was a biggie for me
11. I work better in the morning. Maybe it's the light or attention span....
12. I am learning about some subtle techniques and how different media work.
13. Motivation goes up and down but you need to stick at it... To cop out is soooo easy
14. Some of what I think are the better pieces were unexpected and these offered a zen doorway to explore or study as to why
15. It's a bit like going to school, can't say I like it but it's super useful.

Ok, these are random thoughts and I may think of more. I'd welcome thoughts from others doing similar "daily" or other regular routines to see how they tackle it.
Well, they do say that practice is the key, so why not? On the other hand, it's up to you as to how much practice "makes perfect".

In college our library had several B&W catalog tomes of Picasso's notebooks. It was very clear to me that he was scribbling constantly almost daily to work out his ideas and seeing that in printed form was really illuminating. Hemingway was said to force himself to write several hundred "good words" a day before allowing himself to have a drink (and he did drink!) There likely isn't a master out there of any discipline (oh that word!) who hasn't resorted to years of almost daily practice. So you're in good company.

FWIW, being a very undisciplined slob and a procrastinator by nature, I wait for my inspiration. Your Mileage May Vary.....
Yes, great observation about masters .... Thanks Bart. I think I'm a high milage per result type.
I try to do one every few days, building content for my upcoming website...

One challenge for me is to use different elements to ensure I do not repeat the same look or concept.

I don't mean to hijack your thread and will remove it if you like (please just ask...), but here's one from today:

Murray, what a great post. So insightful! It will be very helpful and encouraging for others to read. Many of us will instantly relate to all of your points except maybe one. I did not understand point 8. Are people truly joking and making digs about your work and possibly showing it? Or perhaps going in the direction of taking a degree in art? Are they sincerely being offensive or are they just rather impressed with your output and think perhaps you should be an art school or doing an exhibition? They will definitely see you as being prolific that is a hallmark of a serious artist. Anyways, I don’t want you to think it’s because they don’t think you have quality work. It’s obvious you do.
And if you were to go to art school, they would say to draw everything, all the time, constantly be observing, and always have a small drawing pad with you at the very least. Even if you’re just capturing the light or capturing the gestures of people. How their body looks while in movement are sitting. Just a quick idea for you to explore later. Or for your mind to learn to understand what you’re looking at.
I have often found the trickiest of subjects and the most difficult paintings for me, were the ones I will learned the most from. And after a while, I started to make leaps in skill. That was after a lot of mistakes and wondering do I go this direction, or that direction in a piece. And sometimes when I mucked it up badly and there’s that horrible middle part of painting where you’re not sure you know how to pull yourself out of the problem you’re in… Well can lead to great breakthroughs and even a nicer painting. I know professors at school would encourage students to get out of their comfort zone for this reason. Besides, they might actually find out there’s a new style, perhaps being looser that they really enjoy. And possibly they have a real gift for. It’s like anything else in life. Sometimes we think we know what we want and why. It isn’t until something takes us off that path that we learn something new, something else we enjoy that’s completely different. We didn’t even know we were looking for that.I want to just applaud you for keeping up this regiment. You’re bound to grow doing that. And it isn’t easy to keep that disciplined. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hi Murray. I’ll ask WHY you would want to do a painting every day? Is it just to keep practicing and learning? Both of those things are great, of course. But if you’re in this “mode,” then how do you know when you’re done practicing? What would the next step look like for you? (By the way, I really like some of your latest work, like the landscape with the yellow sky and the self portraits. Are they experiments?)

Honestly, I’m just curious.

Because my “mode” is so totally opposite yours. I could never paint outdoors, for example. But for me…painting quickly is totally unappealing and would make me panic for some reason. My paintings (in the 3’ range - my comfortable zone) take about a month and I work every day. That still seems so quick to me because back when I had a job, they took much, MUCH longer. Apparently, I prefer to fuss and bother and overwork and linger and consider each painting like an “assigned project” with a lot of researching and thinking that goes in beforehand.

I think I’m trying to figure out my own feelings about what I’m trying to express and what I want to express is screaming and swearing out loud and into the world non-stop but people would not be pleased with THAT. So instead, it just gets processed non-verbally. And softer? Whatever is happening “in here,” nothing that comes out is ever quick, gestural, light or happy. Maybe though, there’s a little absurdity or laugh (yuk yuk) in there. So as to not cry…as they say.

Oh well, I suppose it’s a good thing we all create differently, huh?
Murray, what a great post. So insightful! It will be very helpful and encouraging for others to read. Many of us will instantly relate to all of your points except maybe one. I did not understand point 8. Are people truly joking and making digs about your work and possibly showing it? Or perhaps going in the direction of taking a degree in art? Are they sincerely being offensive or are they just rather impressed with your output and think perhaps you should be an art school or doing an exhibition? They will definitely see you as being prolific that is a hallmark of a serious artist. Anyways, I don’t want you to think it’s because they don’t think you have quality work. It’s obvious you do.
And if you were to go to art school, they would say to draw everything, all the time, constantly be observing, and always have a small drawing pad with you at the very least. Even if you’re just capturing the light or capturing the gestures of people. How their body looks while in movement are sitting. Just a quick idea for you to explore later. Or for your mind to learn to understand what you’re looking at.
I have often found the trickiest of subjects and the most difficult paintings for me, were the ones I will learned the most from. And after a while, I started to make leaps in skill. That was after a lot of mistakes and wondering do I go this direction, or that direction in a piece. And sometimes when I mucked it up badly and there’s that horrible middle part of painting where you’re not sure you know how to pull yourself out of the problem you’re in… Well can lead to great breakthroughs and even a nicer painting. I know professors at school would encourage students to get out of their comfort zone for this reason. Besides, they might actually find out there’s a new style, perhaps being looser that they really enjoy. And possibly they have a real gift for. It’s like anything else in life. Sometimes we think we know what we want and why. It isn’t until something takes us off that path that we learn something new, something else we enjoy that’s completely different. We didn’t even know we were looking for that.I want to just applaud you for keeping up this regiment. You’re bound to grow doing that. And it isn’t easy to keep that disciplined. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hi Paintboss. Well, I at times, yes I get these comments, but mostly it's well meant, even if with a touch of tease. I'm learning to ignore and stay focused. Let's face it, I have to some day decide IF I come out as an artist!!
Too old for art school (72), sure I would like to have an ego massage of an exhibition, but I haven't the head space for it ATM.
Yes I find the hardest pieces give the most teaching.... I prefer landscapes, big ones, so faces are really difficult for me... You have to observe soooo closely. I think that's what helping me, looking carefully.
Thank you again for the encouragement and thoughts.
Hi Murray. I’ll ask WHY you would want to do a painting every day? Is it just to keep practicing and learning? Both of those things are great, of course. But if you’re in this “mode,” then how do you know when you’re done practicing? What would the next step look like for you? (By the way, I really like some of your latest work, like the landscape with the yellow sky and the self portraits. Are they experiments?)

Honestly, I’m just curious.

Because my “mode” is so totally opposite yours. I could never paint outdoors, for example. But for me…painting quickly is totally unappealing and would make me panic for some reason. My paintings (in the 3’ range - my comfortable zone) take about a month and I work every day. That still seems so quick to me because back when I had a job, they took much, MUCH longer. Apparently, I prefer to fuss and bother and overwork and linger and consider each painting like an “assigned project” with a lot of researching and thinking that goes in beforehand.

I think I’m trying to figure out my own feelings about what I’m trying to express and what I want to express is screaming and swearing out loud and into the world non-stop but people would not be pleased with THAT. So instead, it just gets processed non-verbally. And softer? Whatever is happening “in here,” nothing that comes out is ever quick, gestural, light or happy. Maybe though, there’s a little absurdity or laugh (yuk yuk) in there. So as to not cry…as they say.

Oh well, I suppose it’s a good thing we all create differently, huh?
Hi Oliveoyl. Ummm, I think my daily s are like your routine of working every day on your large works. It's like Bart's pet hate if discipline if I can call it that. As a meditator, I know that routine is important, along with curiosity and motivation.
I love working plein air, but circumstances conspire against quite often.
It sounds like you literally pour heart and soul into your work, keep at it. I wonder if there are subconscious gestures and passages that are trying to reach you......
Thank you so much for your thoughts and input. We are all so different and that what makes art soooo appealing to the viewers.
I try to do one every few days, building content for my upcoming website...

One challenge for me is to use different elements to ensure I do not repeat the same look or concept.

I don't mean to hijack your thread and will remove it if you like (please just ask...), but here's one from today:

View attachment 47457
No problems at all. It seems like there some are points that resonate with folk. Good luck with your images....
Hi Murray. I’ll ask WHY you would want to do a painting every day? Is it just to keep practicing and learning? Both of those things are great, of course. But if you’re in this “mode,” then how do you know when you’re done practicing? What would the next step look like for you? (By the way, I really like some of your latest work, like the landscape with the yellow sky and the self portraits. Are they experiments?)

Honestly, I’m just curious.

Because my “mode” is so totally opposite yours. I could never paint outdoors, for example. But for me…painting quickly is totally unappealing and would make me panic for some reason. My paintings (in the 3’ range - my comfortable zone) take about a month and I work every day. That still seems so quick to me because back when I had a job, they took much, MUCH longer. Apparently, I prefer to fuss and bother and overwork and linger and consider each painting like an “assigned project” with a lot of researching and thinking that goes in beforehand.

I think I’m trying to figure out my own feelings about what I’m trying to express and what I want to express is screaming and swearing out loud and into the world non-stop but people would not be pleased with THAT. So instead, it just gets processed non-verbally. And softer? Whatever is happening “in here,” nothing that comes out is ever quick, gestural, light or happy. Maybe though, there’s a little absurdity or laugh (yuk yuk) in there. So as to not cry…as they say.

Oh well, I suppose it’s a good thing we all create differently, huh?
I'm not one to accept the notion that you have to "suffer for your art". I think that's a lot of bullshit foisted on the creatives by people who are either dismissive of artistic value or maybe just jealous. Just a personal pet peeve. Sadly, if we talk about the market for art, then unfortunately that suffering is true....

But to me it doesn't matter whether you paint indoors or out, quickly or slowly, my personal belief is that it needn't become painful. My personal wish for anyone is that the effort expended is pleasurable in and of itself, regardless of how you or anyone else values the output.

I joined and then took up managing a plein air group more than a decade ago because I realized I was only painting at most once per year on vacation. What a waste of all that potential creativity for me. So going out every other week and painting in attractive places with good friends has been a godsend (even if the organizing has given me chops in cat-herding.)

When Murray undertook this, I realized I'm being foolish still. I'm retired, though I do have part time work sparsely. I could be painting or drawing daily - constantly in fact. So he's nudging me toward doing so, but I never developed that discipline.

Ironically, as a kid and through college - even at professional meetings and conferences - to keep my hands busy I would sketch almost anything from imagination to life in front of me. Finish a test or task early? Sketch. Sit through a meeting that was uninspiring? Sketch. Excited by what I'm hearing in a talk, meeting or lecture? Sketch. Why this has not transferred to the rest of my life, I cannot fathom.

Just an undisciplined slob, despite the talent and skill.

Good on yer, Murr! I'll be bringing the local wine when we finally paint together.
Great discussion. I am someone who completes many small works while working on larger projects. It's either procrastination, pondering time or I'm just not ready for the next stage of the larger works.

Sometimes my projects take years to complete, both large and smaller ones. Often my smaller works are part of a series that might lead me to a larger work.

At the moment I have 12 A3 pastel or oil works created or finished in the past week. The oldest was started 3 years ago, the newest this week.

I have completed 1 major piece (started and finished in a couple of weeks) and have 3 others I'm editing most days (the oldest was started in 2021). And another 5ish I'm just looking at.

And that's not including my digital art works.

It's all fun and games in my studios.
Well, to clarify myself (to Bart mostly)…I don’t “suffer” for my art. I’m just neurotic and it’s always been a way to sort out my inner messiness (meaning unruly emotions and chaotic thoughts) into order. It’s more or less like therapy but a pleasant and meditative kind. I don’t do sketches and plow through to the end, finishing every painting I start. It’s ALMOST been as helpful as yoga, which I’ve been doing for just as long. Yoga is maybe, more fun.

So. I’m not interested in “capturing” beauty. I don’t think art can save the world. I don’t expect my art to mean anything to anybody other than me. I love nature but don’t want to paint it. People are bothersome but I paint only figures. I prefer using photos as a reference and then “riffing” off those. I appropriate.

I’m not romantic WHATSOVER about Art. There’s never been any illusions or delusions and no “pouring” out of my heart or soul. (Do I even have THOSE?? Haha). After 40 years, it’s become like brushing my teeth…just something I need to take care of. Bullshit or not.
The thread has opened more thoughts than I expected. Suffering for art?? I guess at times I/we do but it's not my motivation. I beat myself up cos I can't get the paint to explain what I want!!
Bart, I hear you, one reason I started the dailys is I think I'm in your camp as well, rather be kicking back with a wine or beer and having a dabble from time to time. But I realized that I had limitations that affected my enjoyment and that was skill based. So I had to learn ..... Faster.....
But yep, looking forward to drinks & painting if we do meet before I need a Zimmer frame
Well, to clarify myself (to Bart mostly)…I don’t “suffer” for my art. I’m just neurotic and it’s always been a way to sort out my inner messiness (meaning unruly emotions and chaotic thoughts) into order. It’s more or less like therapy but a pleasant and meditative kind. I don’t do sketches and plow through to the end, finishing every painting I start. It’s ALMOST been as helpful as yoga, which I’ve been doing for just as long. Yoga is maybe, more fun.

So. I’m not interested in “capturing” beauty. I don’t think art can save the world. I don’t expect my art to mean anything to anybody other than me. I love nature but don’t want to paint it. People are bothersome but I paint only figures. I prefer using photos as a reference and then “riffing” off those. I appropriate.

I’m not romantic WHATSOVER about Art. There’s never been any illusions or delusions and no “pouring” out of my heart or soul. (Do I even have THOSE?? Haha). After 40 years, it’s become like brushing my teeth…just something I need to take care of. Bullshit or not.
I wasn't being pointed OO, but glad you aren't "paining" (as I hear it mispronounced on YouTube instructions), rather "painting". LOL