This or That #51+52


Well-known member
I need help. Two very quick dailys initially using the same photo reference. Both 10x25cm gouache. I was trying to really try to screw things up .....
But, am I getting anywhere? I would appreciate critiques on this pair. On the spotty one, I can see some need for more darks..... But really, some smart thoughts would be great. I guess, maybe I will end up gravitating towards a groove, but not sure that's a good thing.....


OK, what are you trying to do? "Screw up" meaning, please.

What I see is that you're following the path trod over 100 years ago where pointillism/divisionism evolves or devolves (your point of view matters) into abstraction. Is abstraction what you intend? If so, it's not "screwing up", it's more like screwing WITH your perceptions.

FWIW, here is one of my own. Was looking at a wooded scene across a field and playing with an old friend, Pointillism. To my eye it is highly abstracted, but to most viewers it is instantly recognizable as the landscape I was viewing in life. Go figure.... BTW its actual size is 6x6"

pointilist la nebbia 2019.jpg
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OK, what are you trying to do? "Screw up" meaning, please.

What I see is that you're following the path trod over 100 years ago where pointillism/divisionism evolves or devolves (your point of view matters) into abstraction. Is abstraction what you intend? If so, it's not "screwing up", it's more like screwing WITH your perceptions.

FWIW, here is one of my own. Was looking at a wooded scene across a field and playing with an old friend, Pointillism. To my eye it is highly abstracted, but to most viewers it is instantly recognizable as the landscape I was viewing in life. Go figure.... BTW its actual size is 6x6"
Hi Bart, I think you have nailed it. I don't think I am, or want, to go towards pure abstraction. At least, that is my take on my direction. Abstractionism I can and do enjoy but I feel that at times it's disingenuous, UNLESS, there is a real attempt by the artist to convey something specific. Something I think that can easily get lost.
For that reason, I would like to keep a "truth" about a scene that is recognisable. I am quite conflicted about how to achieve this.
Your painting and reactions of others demonstrates to me that there is a way without abstracting for the hell of it.
I think I will always be drawn to representational impressionism, but have a foot in the point-impressions as a vehicle.
Your painting and reactions of others demonstrates to me that there is a way without abstracting for the hell of it.
I think I will always be drawn to representational impressionism, but have a foot in the point-impressions as a vehicle.
My feet are firmly planted where you describe your own.
It’s fun to try out different styles and you’ll know what feels like you soon enough. These both have good qualities and maybe you’ll end up somewhere between them: a little representation but with bolder colors and more impressionist marks.
I'm not much on critiquing, I just know what I like. These are both very well done, within their style. For my own personal preference, I like the first one a lot.