X posted - Art activism


Well-known member
Hi folks. I'm not sure how to talk about this. I need to walk a fine line between activism and art, or, maybe not!
Here on the coast in Croatia, there are many illegal private beaches, in front of us are three. Anyways, while kayaking and landing on one of them from the sea, you can do under the law, I realized, there is a really nice view to paint. Now, the trick is, I have to cart all my stuff on a boat/kayak , land and set up where the "private apartment guests" are sunbaking etc.
These things are illegally built on public land and in the sea.
So, I am aiming to set up on a platform and do some afternoon pleinaire. Then, donate the painting to the inactive local authorities or next best suggestion.
So there is a risk of having my gear thrown into the sea, then I would get really miffed, but i think I have a kinda duty to draw attention to the wanton destruction of the seaside.

This is kind of a rant to build up my head of steam to do this, as it's no small effort or risk. The apartment owners are already pissed that fingers are being pointed etc.
I thought maybe getting someone to photograph it all, in case it all goes TU.

Anyone done this kinda stuff and any advice?
I stand out a bit like a sore thumb as an Aussie in Croatia, so good intentions and all that but there can be unexpected results.
Any thoughts?
Are they in European Union? You could get help from there. How can this kind of thing happen in Europe, are the local authorities involved? If so then pleinair on the beach could be dangerous because then we're talking about mafia. If you go down there shoot video live on internet, just in case.