The Passage

Wayne, whatever you’re doing it’s really working well! This one has such great color harmony and of course there’s texture to keep us looking around. You know how to handle that knife!
Well...I would call it an abstract landscape. An appropriate category, I would say, since that's what I call a lot of what I do, too :)...there it fits rather than mis-fits.
Are we defining abstract as non-representational, non-objective? OK with me, though I tend to call that 'pure' abstract. When objects in the real world are abstracted, as in this piece, what shall we call it? Perhaps contemporary is a useful catchall. I suppose contemporary landscape would cover it as well.
As to the piece itself, however it is categorized, it carries the viewer into the passage between the hills and into the distance, the composition works, the colors are attractive, and the knife work, as always, is masterfully done. The rocks are particularly nice. An excellent job!
Thank you Susan. If we just called everything art then we wouldn't need categories. 😂😂
If we just called everything art then we wouldn't need categories
This, 100000%. Oh, the debates people go into about the genres of art/books/music/film etc. when they could just be enjoying it! 🙂🙃

I love this piece. Especially the use of colour and sense of depth.