Text and Image

I like the odd sock but what is odd about it? 😁
"Odd" in that it is part of a pair which have become separated. Now it has to be married to another. Hopefully, for the wearer, the pair will be of a similar material., thickness.

Thanks sno. 🙂

Another odd one.


Edit, it could also relate to Nationality, Personal identity. If that is a stretch, well, suspenders...
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Should have put the clothes pin/peg on before the other one got away. Do you wear those wild sox? 😁
Love that one too! I've been really loving the images you've been posting on Instagram too.
I wear funky sock in real life. They are all a little funny or strange. I don't like "plain" socks. Why would I wear a boring sock? Come to think of it, I'm going to stop matching them. :LOL:
Well you've at least got one pair pinned together. Now try and keep up with both of them. 😁
there is a song, an almost serious song, it's by one of the best singers here, the song is called the socks paradise
Where do the socks go
When do they lose their neighbors?
Where do they end up blessed?
The lost with the unmatched ones
The striped ones mixed with the polka dot ones
Where they go nobody knows
Where goes whoever gets lost?
In a forgotten hotel dawn
Who got entangled in a bed
Who found the drawer closed
Who throws himself blindly into the laundry pile
Where goes those who have lost their way
In sock heaven
They all find themselves close
In sock heaven
In sock heaven
In sock heaven
There is no pain if you are not with me
Where has your love gone?
When he got lost away from mine
Where has it gone nobody knows
But it will certainly be there
In sock heaven
They find themselves united and close
Thanks sno. i titled it, The Mouth. I wanted to see what response it would receive without a title. I find working digitally infuriating, at times. Images that look good on the phone screen - I find it easier to work from my phone - disintegrate when enlarged. Pixels.



I like that second one Iain. And I like the last one if you could disquise the connection lines a bit more. ❤️
I like them all! The first is cool. I knew right away they were mouths...so many more mouths to feed! Ha! I love your mind. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️