Text and Image


Flick the switch and we can see which bulb doesn't work.
That nut certainly has a case to answer.

Now which painting of which artist inspired this..."After who?"
Yes, I could see a Tuttle in it, with the odd shape of solid colour. Thanks for having a go! Here is the answer:


Zinelli! I did it from a (vague) memory, rather than have the painting there. And decided on a head-on view. The figures are i's. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii
You are making me want to post my weird-ass drawings, and some of my computer-altered ones as well. Also, I should have guessed Zenelli since he's one of my favorite artists of all time.

I have a thing with a bunch of "i"s too:

Alien Eyes:

Thank you sno. 😁

You are making me want to post my weird-ass drawings, and some of my computer-altered ones as well. Also, I should have guessed Zenelli since he's one of my favorite artists of all time.

I have a thing with a bunch of "i"s too:

Alien Eyes:

View attachment 8578
Yes, why not...

I love Eileen's i's!

Correct me if wrong, but the Zinelli above, the single object, the boat, is quite uncharacteristic of his work, which is generally focussed on filling the page. I relate to his figures in profile, similar to repeat patterns. One of these days I will get a monograph of his work. I wish there was a documentary in English solely on him.