Text and Image

It is meant to be my dog. First time to "draw" on a phone, with a fingernail. I like the colour combination.
Pet Eyes

Pet Eyes.jpg

Pet eyes sl👀ping


I have no words Iain. Your sense of humor just makes me laugh out loud sometimes. 😁 If you bounce it enough times do the corners wear down and it becomes a round ball? Do you then have to replace it?
Goofus. I had not heard the term before. It's like a portmanteau of goofy and doofus, or am I being a schmuck. 😁 Don't answer that, like I cannot answer the above post. Apologies, etc.
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How is one expected to put on a successful show with this kind of incompetance...
With this kind of incompetancy (1).jpg

It's not level!
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