Temporarily Stuck


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. still knee deep in older ways .. very difficult to part with old habits .. as they say .. hard to teach an old dog new tricks .. not impossible but extremely hard ... mother color till I say it's not .. it's something that has possibilities that might open the door yet.
I don't get what you're stuck on, Wayne. Your flower still lifes move me and are more colorful and light than your landscapes.
As long as you’re only temporarily stuck we won’t panic. There’s some interesting things happening in this one; flower colors are repeated in the background where they become rectangular shapes. I read again this morning that being stuck or feeling frustrated is actually a sign that you’re ready to move forward as an artist. This is a very nice painting!
This is great. Love the colors and spacing. The window sill being in line with the top of the vase creates a little tension in a quiet scene for me. That may be good!!
Thank you Bart. I seem to be in an endless circle. I’ve gotten down but I’m having trouble getting back up.

Thank you Donna. I will get out as soon as I give up this self pity party. It’s so easy to complain.

Thanks Jo.
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You have a layered depth by placing the window behind the vase but then flatten the picture plane by a daring line through the sometimes-regarded dangerous centre matching up with the top of the vase and the window frame. Also, you have the organic greenery square off with the top left corner. Many artists seek this sort of thing but you're sensing a feeling of oddness this could be it.
Thanks Jo. I di not plan the line with the vase. Strange how those thinks speak in.
You may be stuck but your painting isn't. It made a lovely painting. Call it Mother color, splash of color, whatever you like, it is beautiful. ❤️ 🌸 ❤️
Thank you Sno. I think my brain is stuck. I’m hungry for change but have no idea what or how to change.
WOW! These colors are simply divine! I would never have thunk them together, yet you make them work like they totally belong together. You are a genius! ♥️