Spiral Galaxy WIP


Well-known member
This is my first attempt at a digital galaxy painting, made in Krita. I intentionally kept it simple as I nail down the technique. Thoughts on how it looks so far?
Looking good Jessie. I think the white in the middle is a little overpowering.
Maybe add some color to the white or make it smaller. Just my opinion.
I love this as it is. It makes me think of my mortality, especially lately. It's a beautiful work and also makes me feel connected to something bigger than all of this. ♥️
Great colors! I think the perspective is a bit off though. The center gives the impression of an offset axis that the spiral of the galaxy doesn't match, I think. I love the way the core kind of sinks in to the mass of the galaxy though. That looks really cool.
I love the softness of the galaxy itself. I'm not sure about the bright white center. I think the edges of the center map be too defined. Perhaps softening the edges will make it more of a glow than a well-defined object.
Hello Jessie:
The galaxy is great as noted .. the spiral does not get me into the hole which would not be so stark and naked it there was a tunnel leading to the light. A gradient of dark to light in color and value down to the hole should help pull one into it and then you white would not be so white.