Desforges, Artyczar, cool dolls. wonderful
Desforges, there is also the grandmother / wolf, and little red riding hood, fantastic creation for both fairy tales, strong.
Snoball, big dolly, sized life, he reminded me, the only time I had seen this type of doll, I remember in other material so they are all new to me regardless of size, and they are very cute, anyway show frank and grace ( which is funny, they are like the weird female couple, they find themselves together picking up the pieces after husbands, husbands after 40 years of marriage, (husbands worked together so they knew each other for that but they didn't bond much, they were different) they declare themselves gay and confess that they have been together for years, they ask for a divorce because they want to marry each other ...)
anyway frankie is an artist, and makes a frankie doll, in one episode franlkie doll bwatch the tv, use it to deter thieves, however the doll appeared in some episodes, at least in one and it was strong.
maybe you did it or you could have done it anyway.
nothing was funny and I wanted to put the photo but I could not find it, pasienza, sorry anyway ot in the discussion, I told the plot which is still in the 10 second theme, the theme is fantastic, one of the most beautiful, it is artistic I would say, I put it, at least you understand what I told but better, if you open the video look at the figurines and the cake, this is the plot