I have accounts here, on WC, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Talk Classical (a classical music forum), Pinterest, Lit Net (literature forum), and Tumblr. I'm here as much or more than anywhere else. I'm waiting to see if WC gets their shit together. I use Facebook for feeds from various news sources as well as communicating with family and friends. I have a second Facebook account that I use exclusively for keeping in contact with friends from high-school and other teachers. I avoid political posts and discussions here as well as any posts of nudes (my art or that of other artists). A lot of my family and high-school friends never left the small town I grew up in and can be very very conservative. Instagram I use mostly as a source for references (figures, art, fashion, flowers, etc...) and follow literally thousands of feeds... although I post as well. If I get around to using it as a means of marketing, I'll set up a second account under another email. I rarely even check into Twitter, Talk Classical, Lit Net or Tumblr. Tumblr used to be my main social media platform until they suddenly banned all "adult imagery". They were blocked by Apple due to the pornography and even incidents of child porn and they found it easier to ban all nudity... even old master paintings... than to actually hire moderators to properly block the inappropriate crap. Suddenly, my posts on Rubens, Degas, William Blake, etc... were deemed inappropriate.

I had a huge collection of images saved on Pinterest. Anything that might be deemed the slightest bit
risqué I placed into a "private" account where theorhetically only I could see it. But this didn't work that way. I kept being reported by some ultra-Puritan for inappropriate content. I would appeal these reports because none of the images reported were the least bit suggestive or involved nudity... but no one answers the appeals and they wiped out my entire account of 60,000 images or "pins". I rarely look at the site now because I don't like the way it functions now... much more difficult to use... and I'm still pissed off at them. If I do find an image I like, I don't "pin" it but rather, save it to my hard drive or on the cloud on my iPad.