Sketch 1


Contributing Member
I did this sketch in my little sketchbook about 15 years ago. I want to follow up and do more with this as it has meaning for me. I had to try and draw this figure from memory of form/ no reference.
Thought I would share as I am not fast at creating more art. Cross posted.
Thank you.
I heard someone say that angels sometimes put a light in front of you to hold it there when you need it and you can hardly find it. To keep hope. To keep going. I just love that idea and I’ve always wanted to paint it.
Maybe I have to work up the strength and courage to do a large painting like St. Luke’sGuild does.
Oh my gosh this is awesome! I love the hint of ethereal wings and the graceful curved lines. I have never heard of the angel holding the light before but I love the thought. Just because we can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there. A larger version would be great - maybe even a series!
masterpiece , it is a wonderful work, exceptional that it is done without reference, but it would have been wonderful in any case.I didn't even remember exactly about the angel who brought the light, nice thought, even if it's a song in Italian it reminds me of one of my favorite songs by a singer I really like,
of the verses are these, so it's a song that I think puts you in a good mood, very nice and the little scene that steals our jam and runs away but then comes back.WE ALL HAVE AN ANGELBUT LIKE YOU'VE NEVER HEARDSINGING YOUR ANGELHE HAS A VOICE AS VELVET AS A WINDTHAT SWEETLY MELTS YOUAND TOUCH THE SKY WITH ONE FINGERWE ALL HAVE AN ANGELWE ALL HAVE AN ANGELIT SMELLS LIKE A CHILDIT'S A BREATH OF WINGSIT'S A THRILL IN THE HOUSEWHEN YOU'RE IN THE KITCHENAND EAT A SALADIN SILENCEHE STEALS YOUR JAMYOU HEAR A BUMIT'S HE WHO RUNS AWAYTHEN HE GOES FOR A RUNTO BE ABLE TO STAY BY YOUR SIDEIT'S A BREATHTHAT ACCOMPANY YOUR BREATHWHEN YOU LAUGH WHEN YOU CRYWHEN YOU SLEEP…… UOHWE ALL HAVE AN ANGEL this singer in the country is also known as a soloist but one of the most beautiful things and who has collaborated for a long time both as a guitarist and author of one of the best, perhaps the best Italian singer-songwriter Lucio Dalla, the author of the song 'Caruso'
I'm immediately drawn in, and intrigued by what I see. Yet there are such hints of more!

I will enjoy following along as you think about how you want to progress with this. ❤️
Well, I guess I wonder if I’m up to the job of painting it! I will have to do acrylic because I can’t handle the fumes of wonderful oils. Even the acrylics can hurt my breathing and I start itching and burning all over especially my feet and hands. I could try watercolor. I could do graphite. I have coloured pencils as well, but I don’t have enough experience. I know where to get all the information of how they blend. Colour pencil can be amazing but it’s very time-consuming. I love pastels, but I can’t breathe all the dust created.
I will watch that video of the song Joe, thank you. Well, I have a history with angels, which I didn’t quite expect to happen in my life. Not being religious per se, so that shocked me. All the stories I could tell…