She Walks Alone


old man

11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. brush/knife .. painted Dec 28/12
brush to block in and knife to paint
This was the result of my liking a small piece one of my earlier studies this month City At Night
I though she deserved her own study so here is a study of a study .. :)
Thanks Ayin .. the thing I love about ones like this is they come out of creation. I just make most of it up. Ah, that looks like a nice little statue. Ok, statue it is. I mostly follow the tracks of my knife adding and subtracting values and color. Much more fun that trying to copy anything.
She has her boots on and is heading out into the darkness because she needs some alone time. Very creative use of a figure!
thank you Sno .. not that you mention it, yes. Walking into darkness is not as nice as walking out of it.
Great use of darks against lights here Wayne for effect. This one really tells a story for me. Very nice!!(y)(y)

Nice comp and colors Wayne.
Reminds me of that song....
"Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone"