She Rose From the Bed - Finished


Oil on birch panel, 24 x 30 inches.

So much color! As usual with your paintings, i know there's a story to it, and I'm intrigued :) Right now, I want to know what or who this person is looking at as they contemplate rising from that 1970s couch.
I came back to admire this one again. It really is brilliant. The composition, the patterns, the throw back colors - somewhere in another room is that green shag carpeting, the olive/gold appliances in the kitchen ... I would hang this on my wall in a heart beat - that's the highest compliment I can give
The overall color arrangents are beautiful. It makes me think of ancient Egyptian times. What, I don't know.
Like CaliAnn said: composition, patterns and colors! Your style is yours alone - and it's amazing!
Brilliant! I knew this one was going to be a winner when you first showed it in progress.

If this is any indication of what your new project is going to be like, then we're in for a real treat. Inspiring work!
Love it! Very definitely "Arty". ❤️ ❤️She looks very comfortable lying there, wonder why she rose? :)
Thank you! Thank you all! This was a little bit of a struggle, but I am finally happy with it. All my pieces take me some time to live with before I decide I am satisfied with them (or not).

This is from an old photo of my mother laying on the couch in a rare moment (and yes there WAS green shag carpeting!). I was almost eight years old and snapped the picture myself with an instamatic camera because I thought I may never see her in the living room again watching the TV (and awake). She rose from the bed in her bedroom to make an appearance on the couch, and that is about the size of it. Sad, yet happy in a weird kinda way. I made the colors as happy as I could because I like to rewrite history in that way. ;)

I am very grateful for all of your feedback. It makes me know I can move on with this series. Thank you all SO MUCH!!! ♥️ 🙏