Seeing Red

Jo Castillo

Contributing Member
Practicing a bit of transparency and for the Scavenger Hunt, items "made of glass" and "something sweet."

Seeing Red
Pastel on recycled paper, maybe Pastel Card, I wiped off and older sketch. A variety of soft pastels. 7 x 9.5 inches.

Well done in red- almost more difficult than green! The complementary background really makes it sing!
Thanks, JStarr, I figured out the paper, it is Pastelmat. It has a softer surface than most sanded paper but holds quite a bit of pastel. Nice to work on.
Oh... really love this. J is right, the red and green sing. I can hear the cellophane crinkling. Agree, the Pastelmat is forgiving and hold well. Love the green cloth.
You do such great work on wiped-off paper, Jo. The cellophane is amazing!
Wayne, thanks. The previous painting was pink so it just fell in place.

MurrayG. Thank you. I like red so much to paint. Apples have always been my fallback when I can't think of what to paint. These cinnamon candies are a family favorite.

Donna T, thank you. I'm feeling good about painting again. It's been a very long hiatus. Wiped off paper gives an under painting without thinking about it. Hard for me to face a blank white surface.
You did an excellent job with the transparency. The glass and the plastic wrap all translate as very transparent. Well done! ❤️
Kreative K, thank you. I tried to keep the green toward the blue side so it wasn't so "in your face". I'm smiling at your compliment.

snoball, thank you so much. I have lots of experience, just have to remember as I haven't been painting much.

Artyczar, thank you. A big heart back to you. ❤️
I love the rendition of those transparent materials. That deep red is really beautiful too :)
Well Jo, I think you have transparencies figured out very well! This is beautiful to look at. Wonderful work with the both the cellophane and seeing through the red glass. Red is such a bold, challenging color - and you've just nailed it here.

A gorgeous display of complementary color as well as technique. Yay!!! 👏
Terri, thank you. It is interesting and a challenge to find the right complements. Always thinking warm vs cool.

JennieJo, thank you sooo much.