Seasonal farm landscape


Active member
I live in Ohio, U.S.A. It's currently winter here so I thought I would create a winter piece. My medium of choice is colored pencils and I usually work from one of my own photo references. This time I thought I would create something from my memory. I made several sketches to come up with the desired composition and lighting and laid in some colors as a template for the finished work. I normally work on Stonehenge but thought I would try Strathmore colored pencil paper. The drawing is small compared to what I usually do, 7-1/2 x 11 inches. (190.5 x 279.5 mm.) It's done with Prismacolor pencils. I found that the Strathmore doesn't have the tooth of the Stonehenge but will still accept quite a few layers.
After completing the winter scene I decided to take the original sketch and redo it as an early summer theme adding summery elements to it. This one was done on Stonehenge.


    150.2 KB · Views: 37
    136.9 KB · Views: 38
These are beautiful! You did such nice work on both seasons. It’s good to try different papers in case you find something that works better for you.
I also live in a place that has seasons, Wisconsin, and these pieces do a nice job of showing the allure of painting the same location under different effects.
If you could do a summer and fall version at some point. Would look fantastic on the wall as a set.
Excellent works. And your signature is nice too! :) I wish my sig looked that nice.
These are so nice. Very seasonal and well done. For me, colored pencil requires much patience. Applause.
Two lovely works here, I enjoyed looking between them to see the differences. I love the composition. I really like the sky in the winter one.
Great work - two beautiful drawings showing off your skills with those Prismacolors! I've tried using Strathmore papers but, like you, found a lack of tooth that keeps it from being a go-to paper.

Wonderful scenes, beautiful compositions!
Beautiful work on both. It's amazing how landscape changes from snow to green summer.
Both are excellent. I am impressed with these. They both have a certain style that speaks to me. ♥️