Richmond Beach


Well-known member
'cause of weather and prior commitments, I haven't done any Plein air for 2 months. So went to Richmond Beach near me to try and get my mojo back.

a footbridge takes you over railroad tracks to the beach. Sign says to be careful of the baby seals. People come here mostly to let their dogs run (that's not me btw) , and play around with driftwood.


It's heart-stopping the first time you experience a freight train rumble by under your feet.


my set up


my drawing notice the sky.


notice the sky now! the block in - 18" x14" panel to be cropped to 18" x12" -


notice the sky now. The sky and the water reflecting it was changing every few minutes and they make up 2/3's of the panel. I threw in the towel here, I wasn't too keen on the composition anyway.
What a challenge to try and paint a scene that is changing so fast. Thanks for posting what you were able to finish anyway.
Those were some crazy skies - no wonder it was difficult to nail them down. Looks like a good start to me so maybe you can try again someday. I would go just to watch the trains but I don't know if I could stand on that bridge.
Thanks for looking and the encouragement. I will go back but will do a different composition. Much better scenes to paint there.
The painting looks very good to me. A very challenging environment to capture, especially working that large. 👍🏼👍🏼
Barrie, Arty - thank you. I could probably rescue it in the studio -- but truth be told I'm not fond of the composition. Sort of just chose it in haste so I could get on with it.

ZD - I know I sound like a fanboy, but the Yarka imo is the best plein-air setup. Even so I recently bought a half-box French easel for a change of pace. I've made some modifications to it, and have been using it in studio. Hope to take it for a spin in the field soon.