Red Pepper in Watercolor


Supporting Member
This is a 10 x 7 watercolor on NY Central HP, which was part of multi art papers that I tried and it tears rather easily.

The green stem is as beautiful as the red pepper! You did such nice work on the seeds and shadow too.
Excellent piece. It's crisp, and all the white detail is so good! I like what you've done with the background. It's made the pepper pop! Popping pepper! ;) ♥️
Beautiful work, Joy! Your colors and attention to detail are superb here. Wow!
Joy, very beautiful 😍 these colors are challenge to paint. I like the color harmony, and the table color is special, my favourite. The red pepper shows so well from the negative space. Just few thoughts that came to mind when seeing this beautiful artwork.
I am so very thrilled with the positive comments and the fact that you took time to comment. In the ref photo, the table was grey, but I wanted to make it more of a blue/green to complement the pepper.