"Pure Color The Best of Pastel" book

Donna T

Contributing Member
This book is in good condition with a little wear on the top edge of the dust jacket (because I used to look at it a lot!) It's not a how-to but more like an overview of many different styles. Some of the featured artists are very familiar, like Albert Handell, Sally Strand and Doug Dawson, among many other talented soft pastel artists. I'm not asking anything for it other than the cost of shipping here in the states. The book and box weigh about 3 lbs. The USPS options are Priority, Ground Advantage or Media mail. Media mail (formerly book rate) is cheapest at around $5. Just let me know if you're interested and how you'd like it shipped. You can send me a check once you receive it.




Oh my gosh, Christine, I just looked up the shipping rates to your area. UPS would be $50 and USPS at least $32 and up. That's outrageous! There are probably copies available on eBay or used book stores in Canada. Sorry.
Yeah, I thought so. Thanks for looking it up though. I do see that I can get a few in very good condition used delivered for free for about $22 Canadian on Amazon Canada