Plein Air - walk through the pines


Contributing Member
Hi Folks. Went for a walk today along the hill. Managed to find a shady spot to sit and draw. Pn Canson MT smooth side. Final painting about 20x30cm mostly Rembrandts. Took about 45-60 minutes. I have to slow down. While it is finished I am happy to hear technical or compositional comments.
Some of the colours (reds, browns) have not been reproduced by the phone, sorry. Best to all.
Thanks for all the comments. I learnt a lot from this, like find a softer rock to sit on, that my pastel box will slide on pine needles, light on pine trees is hard and crushed/broken limestone rocks for a path glares like crazy and are hard to interpret. Oh, the pines actually do curve over like that - the wind here is ferocious. The little shrub was covered in small pink flowers maybe a heather or similar.
BTW, a private comment was that I had too much white that messed with the value composition and I tend to agree ! But in defence, this was a pleinair :) However, I will fiddle the foreground and mid-distance tree truncks a little to ensure more depth and cohesion.
Ahh - all this to learn and so little time damnit....
I really like it overall.
I do kinda agree on it having too much white though. it may just be the picture but it kinda reminds me of a camera flash. still much better then wan I can do and the trees look fantastic.
Thanks for all the comments. I learnt a lot from this, like find a softer rock to sit on, that my pastel box will slide on pine needles, light on pine trees is hard and crushed/broken limestone rocks for a path glares like crazy and are hard to interpret. Oh, the pines actually do curve over like that - the wind here is ferocious. The little shrub was covered in small pink flowers maybe a heather or similar.
BTW, a private comment was that I had too much white that messed with the value composition and I tend to agree ! But in defence, this was a pleinair :) However, I will fiddle the foreground and mid-distance tree truncks a little to ensure more depth and cohesion.
Ahh - all this to learn and so little time damnit....
I love plein air, getting harder as I'm sooo old. Have to stay near the trail or paint out of the back of the car. You are right .. so little time for learning! I like your painting. Textures are good, distance is good. The main thing is to enjoy being out and painting. Yay!
I love plein air, getting harder as I'm sooo old. Have to stay near the trail or paint out of the back of the car. You are right .. so little time for learning! I like your painting. Textures are good, distance is good. The main thing is to enjoy being out and painting. Yay!
Thanks for the comments Jo. Yes, getting out is a real experience.
It looks like a pleasant place. I think I agree about there being too much white
Thanks for passing by. I have fiddled with it since, contrary to pleinair convention :) I a bit happier now.