Oh Dear!

Thanks, Arty. I think I like Carlee's work more than Polly Morgan's work (although, I liked watching her process more than seeing the actual art). But why NOT use dead animals in your art? If you're okay with killing them for sport, then you (the collective you) shouldn't really complain that they can't be taken out of context (nature) and "prettied up" for luxurious uselessness. (Sorry, did I just offend Art?)

And...I'll definitely check out Jenny Lawson...seems right up my alley.

And...if you want to move this thread over to the new (and empty) forum place, that's fine.
Weirdo threads need to find their perfect little happy home, too.
Never seen it. ...I don't think.

Fun movie. The plot is full of holes you could drive a truck through, but it doesn't matter. Edward Norton never looked better, Jessica Biehl looks great too, and Giamatti and Sewell are both outstanding.
Yes Moschetto, I had removed that scene, I remember the film.
initially I confuse the titles, The Prestige and the illusionist, without reading the actors or seeing the two titles, I confuse them, also seen closely but I really appreciate both. Norton with 25th hour and fight club had become one of my favorite actors.

the first photo and post initially reminded me of a film but I hadn't thought of this before the quote from MOschetto.

I had thought of this

his reaction, the last 20 seconds of the video ..

I don't think he would like that house. obviously the room is not like in the film, the room is beautiful even if they have exaggerated with at least 6 or 7 heads.

actually what Snoball said is true, the last image is heartbreaking., annoying.
The Prestige is actually more convincing in terms of the magic tricks, but I like the Illusionist better.
I think what you say is more than acceptable, (apart from the fact that tastes are not discussed, God forbid), then I think the cast is exceptional (both I think, however a beautiful thing and when maybe not only in the first 2 protagonists there are great actors but you find artists like Seymour Hoffman, Buscemi, Turturro, Giamatti, apart from actors like that it's nice to have them, to find them also protagonists who deserve or deserve a lot but I say as a guarantee, in the sense that they have often been an enrichment for many films, those actors that scrolling through a cast pushes even more on a film when the whole cast is focused, important, on a film you go there more willingly) and very exciting film.
I confess that I can never resist films on this topic, genre.
when they show them on TV or I happen to have a title that is dedicated to magic and illusion at least one chance I have to give them.
when I was 10/11 I witnessed a show falling in love with that world and for many, many years I would go back to it in some way.
these are the films I remember most fondly.
Before I “hang up” on this totally dumb thread...you should know that I googled “New Mexico elk hunting.” (Because, why not?) I guess it’s a big activity there. About 70-90K in herd size. They’re “harvested.” You get a “tag.” It costs $538 for a nonresident to hunt a big mature bull. Because bigger is better. You go to the designated elk spots. You kill them with your big gun while wearing camouflage clothes. You measure the antler width. Wider wins.

Here’s a “shot” off one of the hunting company’s websites. (Hey Wayne...how’s THIS for a coat rack??)


I wonder...who gets the honors of chopping off the head and cleaning it out and stuffing it back up (or whatever you do in taxidermy). And why is the head the trophy part? Or is it the antlers? If a mature bull weighs about 900 pounds, then how much does the head weigh? I have more wondering but that’s enough from me. Plus, I shouldn’t be spreading incorrect reporting about the NM Elk Scene; they might shoot me.

It’s just that...don’t you ever come across subjects that you’ve never really thought about before, but you know it’s “a thing” out in the world that other people know about, so when you become more aware of it, you’re shocked at how much you don’t know? Since all I do, or want to do, or care to do, is paint...I’m pretty dumb about almost everything else. But at least...I’m not alone in stupidity. THAT I know.

(And now, wrapped inside her bearskin... she waddles off into her man’s cave to hibernate until she needs to forage again for conversational food. Grrrr.)
I think they sometimes just use the antlers for their "trophies," and eat or use the rest of the animal--the more saner people. In my opinion, that would be the only reason you should kill these beautiful animals that can't fight back. Why is it called "game" when your opponent can't make any moves but run and hide? Doesn't seem very fair. Hunting for necessity is different. I never understood it as a sport. My dad's family hunted and we ate the thing and gave the other bits to people that could use them, nothing was thrown out.
Around here, most people who hunt eat what they kill. Only out of state people kill strictly for trophies.
When I lived on the east coast, that was the same. No heads on walls, just venison, food, that kind of thing. Everyone had trunk freezers and good butchers. Not many did it themselves either. Not anymore anyway. The leftovers will still used for all kinds of gross stuff, but nothing went to waste.
Yep. I know a guy who did the butchering for a lot of local hunters.

Often, the antlers were part of Mark's fee. He's one of those primitive technology guys and used them for scales for knife making. He made knives himself and sold antler scales to other knife makers.
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You could make those coat racks out of wood but trees are probably as scarce a commodity. If you killed the thing for the meat then use every piece as you so desire but any meat hunter in their right mind would not go hunt a big old bull for meat. That's not fit to eat; might as well ear rubber. Meat hunters would leave the big old bull as it is good for the life of the territory and his future dinners.
Trophy hunters hunt for antlers .. where I grew up, out of resident hunters with money or connections, would fly in a helicopter, kill the big old bull, take the antlers and leave the meat to rot. 🤬
In regions of the Siberian peninsula in Russia they ambush Reindeer whilst swimming across rivers during migration, grab the heads of the reindeers, saw the antlers off and send the reindeer swimming away, less the antlers and possible infection to the cut. They then sell the furry things for around $200 plus. Which is more than they can earn in that period. It's poaching, but like all poaching, there's a market for it.
Hi Desforges! It was taken where I lived for a brief period: Aberdeenshire, Grampian Highlands, on the tip of the Cairngorm National Park. Coming from London, it was like an out-of-body experience. Such a beautiful place.